“You’re the best mechanic in this town, thanks for taking the time to help.”

“I’m the only mechanic and it’s my pleasure. How about I follow Brent’s truck and we can bring your car back here, Miss Penelope.”

“That’s perfect,” Penelope says. “Brent, is that okay with you? Or do you have somewhere you need to be?”

“Nope, good with me. I’ll give my parents a call and let them know I won’t be at the inn until later.”

“I’ll meet you two out front,” Ben calls as he makes his way behind the counter and to the back of the shop. “Tell your folks I say hi!”

“You got it. And thanks again, Ben.” We head to the front door and back out into the cold.

“Do you live with your parents?” Penelope asks me and I detect a small hint of curiosity mixed with judgment in her tone.

“Nora and I live on the grounds. I help them at their bed and breakfast. Is that a problem?”

“Oh not at all, I wasn’t judging you,” she says as her cheeks turn pink.

“Uh-huh. Let’s go mystery woman.”

When we reach my truck, I open the door for her. After she hops in, I round to my side and get behind the wheel. Ben’s tow truck comes around the corner, and I start my truck, and he follows me to Main Street. The town is getting ready for the kick-off to the Christmas season and the first onslaught of visitors to our sleepy little town with the Winter Festival.

Soon, large, carnival-like booths will be set up along the perimeter of the gazebo and the walking paths through the grass will be filled with decorations, games, and so many people. Nora has been asking me for weeks now if we can go to the festival. Of course I’m going to take her.

I’ll have to plaster on a fake smile to get through it, but I’ll be there.

It’s in a few days and I wonder if Penelope will still be here.

I shouldn’t even care.

“What are they setting up?” Penelope asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“My biggest nightmare,” I say. She giggles, which makes me smile. “Winter Festival, the first event of the season. There are events from now until Christmas here and we get tons of visitors. It’s awful.”

“Sounds magical,” she says with a wistful tone. Silence descends on the car, so I glance at her and catch her staring at me.

I feel like this is the first time she’s really looked at me since I walked up to her car window, and I’m wondering what she sees. Insecurity creeps up like an old enemy. We reach her fancy car and thankfully, traffic is flowing. There isn’t another jam awaiting us.

As soon as I park, we both get out and can hear Ben letting out a long, high-pitched whistle through his teeth as he slowly runs his hand over the hood. After a few minutes of admiring the luxury vehicle—something we definitely don’t see often in Winterberry— he grabs his diagnostic tool from his truck and connects it to the Porsche.

“Well, I have good news and bad news,” he says to Penelope after a few minutes of running the device. “Which one do you want first?”

She taps her chin, contemplating. “Give me the bad news first.”

“Unfortunately, it’s the transmission and I’m not sure if I have the parts it needs in my shop. Good news is you’ll get to hang out in Winterberry for a little bit.” He smiles, eyes twinkling.

Penelope turns around, glancing at me before responding. I exhale a long stream of air. She can’t stay here.

“Well, that does present a problem. When do you think you will be able to have it ready to drive?” Penelope asks.

“Let me take it in, get a better idea of where I can get the parts from, and I’ll give you a call to let you know what I’m thinking.”

“There’s only one problem with that plan. I don’t have a cell phone on me. I left it in Manhattan.”

“Well, I have to be honest with you, that’s a new one. I haven’t met someone your age in years who doesn’t have those little devices attached to their hands.”

“You can call my cell, Ben,” I interject. “I’ll take Penelope over to the diner for some food and I’ll keep my cell on me. Give me a call when you know more, and we will sort out the details.”

“That works for me,” Ben says as he starts to walk away. “Oh, Penelope, get the chocolate chip pancakes from the diner, they’re to die for!”