I turn to see where the light came from and notice a man outside with a bag over his shoulder and a huge camera in front of his face. The light flashes again as he snaps a few photos.

“What in the world?” Sally mutters.

“Oh, God. The paparazzi… they found me,” I say as flashes continue to go off. This can’t be happening.

“Okay, deep breaths, I’ll go out there and tell him to go away, providing a distraction so you can sneak out the back door,” Sally tells me. “I hope you can find Brent, Penelope.” She pats my hand.

“Thank you, Sally, I’m so grateful for you. You have no idea.”

“Don’t mention it. I guess this is what happens when you have a famous friend.” She chuckles.

“Bestfriend,” I amend.

She gives me a soft smile then heads for the door on a mission. As soon as Sally approaches the man, I take the opportunity to scoot out of the booth.

“Penelope…” Someone touches my arm as I stand. I recognize her from Nora’s school. “I get why you didn’t tell the truth. I’ll go with Sally and create a distraction, too, so you can leave.”

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it, and I’m sorry,” I say loudly, so every single person in the diner can hear me. “I’m so sorry for lying to you all.”

People nod, murmuring their understanding. A few residents even join Sally outside, aiding the distraction. It takes me a minute to get control over my emotions before I scurry behind the counter, through the kitchen, and slip out the back door into the alley.

I take a second to get my bearings before walking in the direction of the inn.

It’s not that far, but I find myself looking over my shoulder every few steps. I don’t want anyone following me and taking photos of the inn. The last thing I need is for Brent’s family’s business to be in a tabloid.

I feel bad enough as it is without putting them through any of this. Suzanne and Tom have been amazing to me, and I want to protect them.

As I get closer, a different man appears, calling out my name. He has the same telltale bag and camera as the man from the diner.


Without thinking, I make a sharp turn and run through the bushes. Thorns prick me, scratching up my jeans and jacket, but I keep going. I hide behind a tree, only peeking out when I think the coast is clear.

It dawns on me just how much I’ve changed.

If this had been just a few weeks ago, I would’ve been all dolled up, purposely seeking out the paparazzi so they could take my picture.

Now, I’m hiding like a wild animal, desperate tonotget my photo taken.

A delirious giggle escapes me.

Who even am I?

When I’m confident the paparazzi is gone, I make a run for it, creeping onto the back of the inn, opening the door, and sneaking inside.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


MyattitudesucksandI’m snapping at Nora. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I feel so betrayed and I’m trying to process those feelings before seeing Penelope tonight.

She’ll be at the inn for dinner—at least she’s supposed to be—and I need to be prepared. I have no idea what I’ll say to her or how mad I’ll be when I see her infuriatingly gorgeous face.

As soon as we get home, I let Nora put on the movie I promised and busy myself cleaning. Does the house actually need to be cleaned? Nope.

But my nerves have kicked up a hundred notches and I can’t sit still.

Moving to the kitchen, I let my hands get soapy and start washing dishes in the sink. My mind wanders back to the first moment I saw Penelope. The day I walked up to her car and was completely struck by her beauty.