“What are you going to do?” he asks me hesitantly.

“I’m going to go back to the inn and talk to her. What else is there to do?”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“Thanks, Dom, but I think I need to do this by myself. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t know how I could ever trust her after this. You can’t start a relationship with a lie.”

“I’m sorry, man. Text me after you talk to her, and we can go grab a beer. I feel like you need one.”

“Yeah, maybe two or three beers for me. Or a whole pitcher,” I tell him. “I’m going to get Nora and head back to the inn. I need to get this over with.”

“You got this, man. If you need backup, you know where to find me.”

We stand and head to the living room. Nora is laying on the couch, cuddled up with a pillow, living her best life watching cartoons.

“Hey sweetheart, time to go home,” I say as I kiss the top of her head. “Grandma and Pop are going to be looking for us.”

“But Dad, look how comfortable I am.” She looks up at me with wide eyes.

“How about when we get home, I’ll cover you up with a blanket on the couch and you can put another movie on before we go to the inn for dinner. Will that be comfortable enough?”

She takes a few minutes to think about it, mulling it over in her little head. “Ooooookay. That can be comfortable.” She hops off the couch and runs into Dominick’s arms. “Thank you for the sandwich, Uncle D, and for the movie. Can you make me another one soon?”

“Of course I can, sweet girl. You can come have a sandwich and a movie whenever your dad lets you.”

“All right, little one. Let’s go. Thanks for letting us crash your day, Dom. I’ll text you later.” I bro hug him and lead Nora out to the truck.

My stomach is in knots, and I feel like I’m going to throw up. I’m terrified to see what Penelope has to say. And how it will change things with us, with me.

This could be the longest ride home ever.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Afterafewhoursof reading, and maybe a few minutes of napping, if I’m being honest, my stomach starts rumbling. It must be time to head to Sally’s Diner.

Suzanne has classic Christmas tunes playing in the kitchen while she bakes cookies, and it fills my heart with such warmth. The inn always smells delicious. It has the perfect cozy vibe that makes me never want to leave.

And makes me feel safe from the outside world.

It’s the complete opposite of my cold, lonely penthouse, which I thought I loved before. This town has truly changed me, a fact that both excites and scares me. I always believed I was living the life of my dreams. Famous, rich, living in a penthouse in Manhattan with a closet to die for. That’s every girl’s dream, right?

But since I’ve been in Winterberry, I’m rethinking everything.

Peeking my head around the corner, I catch Suzanne twirling to the music and singing into her spatula. As she spins, she sees me and stops in her tracks.

“I didn’t see you there! Well, now you can’t let me dance alone,” she says, with her hand outstretched to me. “Come join me!”

Laughing, I step into the kitchen and take her empty hand. I twirl with her, swaying my hips and singing at the top of my lungs.

I have a terrible singing voice but we’re both belting out the lyrics and laughing so hard, it doesn’t even matter.

“All I want for Christmas is youuuuu.” We sing in unison, pointing at each other.

“Hey, did I miss the invitation to the concert?” Tom says as he enters through the back door.

Completely out of breath, we both collapse onto the floor. With cheeks that hurt from smiling so big, I put my head on Suzanne’s shoulder.