“The bar was packed but we had fun. Penelope got to see a real dive bar,” he jokes as our eyes meet. I see the same heat in his eyes that are in mine as we stare for a beat too long.

“That’s great. And I bet Alex was happy to see you.”

“He was, we talked for a little bit. I’m taking Nora to run some errands. Do you need anything while I’m out?”

“I think we’re good here, but thank you sweetheart,” Suzanne says, reaching up to give him a hug.

“Bye, Penelope,” Brent says to me. “Will you be here for dinner tonight?”

“Yep, I’ll be here. I’m going to the diner for lunch then doing a little retail therapy at the boutique on Main Street,” I tell him, even though he didn’t ask. What is wrong with me? Word-vomit much?

“Sounds like a great day. See you later tonight then.” He waves as he and Nora leave through the back door.

I pay attention to the book in my lap, stealing a glance at him as he walks away. Just as he closes the door behind him, he looks back at me and winks.

This is going to be hard.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Draggingmyselfawayfromthe inn, I shove the sight of Penelope, curled up in the chair, reading, out of my head. Looking down, I put my hand on Nora’s head and pull her into my side for a hug. I had an amazing night with Penelope, but man did I miss my little munchkin.

My mind wanders as we walk and I picture what it would be like to have both Penelope and Nora, here, in my life. What if I told Nora that Penelope and I are more than friends?

“Did you miss me, Dad?” Nora asks as she looks up at me with those big eyes, pulling me back to reality. Of course that could never happen. Penelope will be going back to the city soon and I can’t subject Nora to getting more attached and then hurt when she inevitably leaves.

“You know I did, my girl. How was your night with Grandma and Pop?”

“It wasfun. We played board games and drank hot cocoa and then watched movies.” She skips on the way to the car. “I love when I sleep there. Did you have a fun night with your friends?”

I try not to let it show on my face just how much fun was had. “I did. I think Penelope liked the bar and it was fun hanging out with Uncle D now that he moved back to Winterberry.”

“Penelope is sooooo pretty. I’m going to miss her when she leaves.” Her pout matches the same one I have when I think of Penelope leaving town, leaving my life.

“Me too, me too. But let’s not think about that today. We have a few errands to run and we need to stop at the grocery store. I thought we could stop into Ben’s Shop and check on Penelope’s car too.” To be honest, I don’t want to hear that it’s fixed and she’s leaving. I want to pretend it isn’t even an option, and that her departure from town isn’t coming.

In the short time she’s been here, she’s changed so much in me. I never thought I'd be open to a relationship after Michelle. Especially not anything more than just a physical relationship. But with Penelope, I want it all.

I find myself looking for her, trying to impress her, and thinking of her everywhere I go. It’s intoxicating. And I don’t know what to do with that.

We hop into my truck, and I hit the button on the radio to turn it on, letting the sound of Christmas music take over the truck. Tapping my fingers to the beat on the steering wheel, I can feel Nora’s eyes burning into me.

“Why are you staring at me?” I poke her in the arm.

“Dad, you’re listening to Christmas music. In the car. And humming along.” The confused look on her face makes me laugh. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need your temperature taken?”

She clearly gets her sarcasm from me.

“For some reason this year, I’m feeling the Christmas spirit a little bit. Not a lot, just a little.”

“I like it.” She smiles, singing along to Mariah Carey, and I turn my attention back to the road.

We make our way to Main Street and stop at the pharmacy to grab Nora’s vitamins. After, we head to the public library to return our books and then swing by Ben’s Shop.

I open the door to the shop and the bell chimes, signaling our arrival. Christmas music filters through the speakers, filling up the space.

“Hey Ben, how’s it going buddy?” I ask as we walk deeper into the shop.