“I was so comfortable, I don’t even remember falling asleep.”

“Penelope Smith, did you know that you snore?” A look of uncertainty flashes across her face but is gone before I know it.

“I do not!”

I can’t help but laugh. “Trust me, I heard you last night. You fell asleep before I did and you were definitely snoring.”

“Wow, that’s embarrassing.” She covers her face with her hands before pulling her fingers apart and sneaking a peek at me. She’s so cute that another laugh escapes from my mouth.

I pick up her coffee mug and hand it to her. “Here, drink this. It will help you wake up.” Both of us take sips of the coffee and sigh at the same time, locking eyes, and laughing.

“What would you like for breakfast? I can make eggs and bacon with hash browns.”

“That sounds delicious,” she says over the top of her coffee mug. “I’ll help as soon as I use the bathroom.”

She drags herself from the couch, scurrying down the hallway to the bathroom. I watch her go, and a small smile plays on my lips as I think about her sleeping in my arms.

Shaking my head to dispel the thoughts, I head to the kitchen to start breakfast. I crack the eggs into a bowl, get out the frying pan, and start making scrambled eggs before I feel Penelope’s arms wrap around my waist. Her lips skim my arm.

“What can I do?” she asks.

“How about you turn on the oven and preheat it for the bacon. Then, you can sit at the countertop and talk to me while I cook.”

“Aye aye captain.” She salutes as she goes to the oven and turns it on.

Somehow, even though this is the first time we’ve done this, it feels so normal. So natural.

And that thought is scary.

Once the eggs are done and the bacon is in the oven, I get out the frozen hash browns, spray olive oil in a pan and cook them until they’re brown and crispy on both sides.

“Mmm it smells delicious in here,” Penelope says as she sits on one of the stools.

We wait for the bacon to crisp, passing time with small talk. We discuss our plans for the day and reminisce about how much fun we had last night at the bar. As soon as the oven beeps, I take out the bacon and make plates for us.

“You know…” I start as I take out silverware from the drawer and set them on the counter, stalling. “I’ve never had a woman here for breakfast. Well, since Michelle died.”

She looks up from her plate, an expression I can’t read on her face. “Oh yeah? How come?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve gone on dates and spent the night with women but never like this. Never here.”

I don’t know why, but I’m embarrassed to be admitting this to her. But, for some reason, I want her to know thatthismeans something to me. More than just spending the night together.

Slowly, I take the fork out of her hand and put it on the countertop. I turn to face her and move that one piece of unruly hair that’s always in her face. Cupping her chin with my palm, I bring her closer to me and kiss her softly on the lips.

When I pull away, I rest my forehead against hers and notice the pink blossoming on her cheeks.

“I’m so glad we got to spend time together last night, just the two of us,” I say before kissing the tip of her nose.

“Me too,” is all she says, but the way her eyes lock with mine tells me she means it.

Taking a bite of my bacon, I let out a groan as the first taste fills my mouth. I would eat breakfast food for every meal if I could.

“Oh bacon, you’re my favorite,” I say as I bring another piece to my mouth.

Penelope laughs next to me. “Wow, I have some competition. I would be so lucky if you looked at me like you’re looking at that bacon right now,” she jokes.

If she only knew how little competition there was between her and anything else in my life, not counting Nora and my family. As soon as that thought creeps into my head and the reality of it hits me square in the chest, I turn to smile at her, masking my anxiety.