“Uh-oh, did I miss Brent here almost getting into a fight with a stranger?” Dominick laughs. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen that.”

Rolling my eyes, I punch him lightly on the arm. “Anyways, what’s everyone doing for Christmas?” I change the subject.

“I’m planning to go to my parent’s house after the Christmas Eve Ball and then come back for the log dimming,” Sally says. “My sisters will both be there with their husbands and their kids so I’m excited about that.”

“That sounds like heaven,” Penelope says.

I know she doesn’t have any family, so I’m not sure what her plans are, but I don’t want to put her on the spot in front of Sally and Dom if she’s not ready to share that with them.

“I’ll be at the inn with the Harrisons this year,” Dom shares. He doesn’t have much family either so Mom invited him to spend Christmas Day with us before the log dimming. “I’m crashing their Christmas.”

“Yep, for some reason Mom invited him.” I laugh.

“What about you, Penelope?” Sally asks and Penelope stiffens next to me.

“I’ll just be home in Manhattan. I might be traveling for work, I’m not sure yet. Once I get back home, I’ll figure out my plans. I can’t believe it’s in two weeks.”

“Where do you travel to?” Dominick asks her.

“All over actually. I do freelance work and it requires me to go to different places.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you look like the actress from that superhero franchise?” Dom asks.

“Wait, you’re right,” Sally says as she looks at Penelope. “You do look like her!”

I glance between them, having no idea what they’re talking about. I haven’t been to the movies in forever.

“Actually, I get that all the time.” Penelope laughs but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.

“Wait, isn’t that actress named Penelope, too?” Dominick cuts in.

“Yep, what are the odds? I wish I were her, how fun would that be?”

“I would hate to be famous,” I say. Seriously, being famous sounds like the worst way to live life. I don’t even like to be recognized in the tiny town I live in, let alone all over the world.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Penelope elbows me in the ribs.

I spend the rest of the night nursing my drink, laughing at the three of them singing Christmas tunes off-key, and relaxing. I haven’t had a night out in more than a year. This has been much needed. I try to keep my eyes off Penelope, fighting the urge to kiss her again. Sally would be so happy if she knew I was developing feelings, but the last thing I need is her in my business.

Sally yawns across the table.

Like always, she has to be up early in the morning to open the diner.

“Getting tired, Sal?”

“Actually, I am,” she says through another yawn. “I’m having so much fun, but I’m fading.”

“Is everyone ready to head out?” I ask the group.

She’s right, this has been an awesome night, but Nora will also be coming home early tomorrow, and I’d like to be awake before she gets there.

“I am,” Sally says. “I just got an Uber, and it will be here in a few minutes. Does everyone want to go together?”

“Sounds good,” Penelope says, scooting out of the booth.

As we all stand and push through the partying crowd, I glance back at Penelope to make sure she’s okay.

“All right guys, I have to pay the tab at the bar,” I say. At the last second, I have a new idea. “Actually, Penelope, do you want to grab our own Uber back to the inn? Since we’re going to the same spot?”