I lean down next to Penelope’s ear so she can hear me. “Are you not enjoying your drink?”

“It’s delicious, but I’ll be honest, I don’t drink. I haven’t been drunk or even buzzed in years,” she says sheepishly.

“Is there a reason? Or you just don’t like it.”

“I don’t like feeling out of control, which probably sounds weird. I like knowing what I’m doing and being in control of the decisions I’m making.”

“Doesn’t sound weird at all. I like the taste of beer but haven’t been drunk in a really long time either,” I tell her honestly. “Especially since becoming a single dad. It’s important to me that I’m on my A game for Nora.”

“That makes sense. I’m actually not surprised by that.” She places her hand on my arm as she says this.

“Hey, let’s dance,” Sally says to Penelope, pulling us out of the moment.

“Yessssss,” Penelope yells.

It was nice to connect with Penelope on that deeper level, and it’s only adding to my feelings. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been jealous over a woman, and it’s throwing me for a loop just how protective I’m feeling over her. My earlier jealousy about Jerk’s attention on her is still lingering.

“Brent, move,” Sally slurs. “We can’t get out of the booth if you’re blocking the way.”

She’s definitely letting loose tonight, which she deserves. That woman is at the diner everyday and has worked hard to make it a success.

As soon as I slide out of the booth and stand, the two women make their way through the throngs of people onto the dance floor. I settle back into my seat and look at Dom, who doesn’t notice me.

His eyes are locked on one person: Sally.

These two drive me nuts.

I glance at Penelope, who’s swaying her hips and moving to the music. She and Sally have their hands clasped with their heads tilted back, laughing as they move. I can’t help but smile at the two of them.

They both look ecstatic.

When Penelope first arrived here in Winterberry, she was guarded. She would let little giggles out here and there, and pieces of her personality would come out, but she always seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.

But here, right now, with Sally on the dance floor, her inhibitions are down and I can see therealPenelope. There’s a light in her eyes that wasn’t there before. As I peel my gaze from her, I notice that I’m not the only one watching her dance with Sally. And I don’t blame any of them for staring.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jerk heading toward the dance floor with two of his friends. He makes a beeline for the girls, and I immediately hop out of the booth.

“Hey, where are you going?” Dom asks as I stride away.

I head to where the girls are dancing. People I recognize try to stop me and chat, reminding me why I hate small towns. Everyone knows everyone, making it impossible to get somewhere fast.

By the time I make my way to Penelope, Jerk is trying to dance with Penelope, and I can tell she isn’t feeling it. She’s doing her best to ignore him by keeping her body turned to Sally, but apparently, he doesn’t take a hint.

Turns out Jerk truly is a jerk.

I’m going to kill him.

“Hey Penelope,” I say as loud as I can. I step between her and Jerk, practically pushing the guy out of the way. I put my arm around her shoulders, whispering, “Just go with it,” so only she can hear.

“There you are, I was wondering when you’d get out here on the dance floor,” she says, playing along. Her arms loop around my neck and her fingers caress the hair on the nape of my neck.

“Sorry, I kept getting interrupted but I’m here now,” I say. “Hey dude, is there something you need over here?” I ask Jerk who’s harassing her.

“Nah man, just dancing that’s all.” He puts both hands up, showing he’s innocent.

“Well, I think we’re done dancing here,” I tell him as I look at Penelope.

I know I’m only helping her out of this awkward situation, but I like the feel of her small hands around my neck a little too much.