He’s a young guy who can’t be any older than twenty-five. He turns on the radio and blasts Christmas music. Dom starts singing along in the worst voice ever and Penelope giggles next to me.

She and Sally have been talking nonstop since we stepped into the car while I sit quietly. For some reason, I feel awkward, even though we’re withmybest friends.

The two of them stop chatting and Sally looks out the window while Dominick continues to belt out tunes. I sneak a peek next to me and immediately lock eyes with Penelope. Through her lashes, I can see her big eyes clearly, and my gaze travels to her red lips.

They look extra plump in that lipstick color. The memory of her taste comes back to me so vividly, it’s like my mouth is locked on hers again.

I notice her chest quickly rising and falling, like she’s trying to catch her breath, and I force myself to look away. Instead, I focus on the town going by out the window. The bar isn’t far, but it’s definitely too cold to walk.

“So, what can I expect at this bar?” Penelope asks me, breaking the silence.

“Well, there’s beer, beer, greasy bar food, and more beer,” I tell her.

This probably isn’t the type of place she’s used to, and I’m not sure how she’s going to feel. With the way she looks tonight, guys are going to be all over her. Just the thought of this happening has me balling my fists on my lap.

“Here we are,” the driver says, turning down the music.

As we pull up, familiarity swells in my chest at the comfort this bar brings. I’ve been coming here since I could drink, maybe even a little before that, so I know the place well.

In fact, the owner is one of my friends from high school. He bought the bar from his folks a few years ago and has been running it ever since.

As soon as we park, we all jump out, and I can’t help but touch Penelope’s shoulder as she makes her way out of the car. We’re freezing, so we hurry inside to get out of the cold.

When we open the door, the music takes over. The people are loud and unfiltered, and Penelope shifts almost uncomfortably. She stops for a second, taking it all in, before I put my hand on her back. She immediately relaxes under my touch.

As we walk further into the bar, everyone turns to look at us. No—they’re looking ather. All eyes are on the beautiful woman next to me and I think she can tell.

“It’s okay, stick with me,” I whisper in her ear.

I take a second to let her scent fill my nose before pulling away. I don’t know why I feel protective of her, but I do.

Dom and Sally are already making their rounds, saying hi to everyone they know.

Tables and leather booths sit against the walls, with a large, open space in the middle of the room for people to dance. There’s a small stage set up in the corner where bands sometimes play, or people sing karaoke. Christmas tunes, which I can’t seem to escape, blast from the speakers, and white twinkle lights hang all over the place. A tiny Christmas tree sits on the bar near the register. The bartenders are in full swing, making drinks and serving what seems like the entire county.

Penelope and I make our way through the crowd to a booth near the bar where Dominick and Sally are sitting. This is our favorite table and the one we always try to grab when we come. For some reason, people whisper amongst themselves as we pass.

Why the hell is everyone acting so weird tonight?

“There you two are. I thought we lost you,” Sally says as we approach.

“This place is packed.” Penelope slides into the booth. “Is it usually like this?”

“Yep,” we all say in unison.

“Got it,” Penelope says. “What are you guys going to drink?”

“I’m going to order a beer. I can get everyone else’s drinks too. What will it be?” I ask.

“Beer for me,” says Dom.

“I’ll have a Long Island iced tea,” yells Sally over the noise.

“That sounds good. I’ll have one too,” Penelope says.

I want to stay by her side so no other men try to talk to her, but I also know that getting arrested two weeks before Christmas would put a damper on the holiday for Nora. Therefore, I need to put some space between us.

“Got it, be right back.” I make my way to the bar.