She’s never enjoyed school much, but it got worse after Michelle died.

“That’s okay, honey, you know Christmas break is right around the corner and then I get you all to myself for days and days.”

“I can’t wait!”

Christmas break is in under two weeks away, and Nora has been excitedly counting down.

She squeals as I carry her to my truck, opening the door and setting her on the seat.

“Let’s get home, we’re going to have dinner with Grandma and Pop tonight at the inn, how does that sound?”

“That sounds great. What about Penelope? Will she be there too?”

My palms start sweating and my heart beats harder at just the sound of her name. If sheisthere, I’m going to ask her about the bar.

“You know what, I didn’t ask Grandma when I was there today. I guess it’ll be a surprise.”


“Oh, I know you do, peanut.”

Any other time of the year, you won’t catch someone who doesn’t live in Winterberry roaming around. But during the Christmas season, visitors take day trips to town to get into the holiday spirit.

More and more people have been coming to town to see the tree, walk around Main Street, and go shopping in the specialty stores. It’s funny to see out-of-state license plates in our little town.

Today, luckily, there aren’t too many cars on the road. Some days, it’s hard to find a parking spot downtown.

“Do you have any homework, little one?” I ask Nora as we park in the driveway.

“Ugh yes,” she says as she rolls her eyes. “My math teacher gave us two pages to do tonight. Can I do them when we get home from dinner?”

“You know the rules.” I grab her backpack from her, slinging it over my shoulder. “Homework before anything else. I’ll make you a small snack to eat while you work, how does that sound?”

“Can the snack be popcorn? Pleeeeease?”

“Sure, I can pop a bag. Let’s get inside, it’s cold out here.”

“I think it smells like snow,” she says, taking a huge whiff of the air on our way up the front steps of the house. “I hope it snows!”

“Ugh, snow.”

“Don’t be a party pooper, Dad. Snow is fun!”

As soon as we get inside, Nora hangs up her coat, throws her shoes into the corner by the front door, and curls up on a chair at the table. I hand her backpack to her so she can do her homework. Sometimes I look at her and can’t believe she’s mine.

I make a bag of popcorn and bring her a small bowl. It’s her favorite snack.

She only needs help with one of her questions, which is good because I suck at math, and before I know it, it’s time for dinner.

I throw on my black hoodie and my best jeans, for no particular reason, and we both bundle up to make the tiny trek across the lawn. It feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest as we open the back door, and I’m immediately greeted by Penelope’s laugh.

I love the sound of her laughing.

“Grandma, Pop, we’re here!” Nora screams. She bounds through the inn and straight into my mom’s arms. “Penelope, I justknewyou were going to be here.”

I take a deep breath, filling my lungs, and trying to calm my racing heart, before walking into the dining room. My gaze finds Penelope right as she’s bending down to give Nora a hug. She picks her up and seeing the two of them together warms my otherwise cold heart.

“Hey, Brent,” Penelope says as she places my little girl back on the ground. We lock eyes. Her cheeks flush and it makes me smile.