When we get to one, Mayor Young presses the big red button on the podium, and the most brilliant colors light up the entire town square. Every single inch of the massive tree has lights on it, and the star on top is a beautiful golden color. It takes my breath away.

As I’m staring at the tree and taking in the joy on everyone’s faces around me, something brushes against my hand. Looking down, I see Brent’s pinkie finger grazing mine, slowly moving in circles against my skin.

Not wanting to make a big deal out of it, I gently rub his finger back. I glance up at his face and catch him peering down at me with a hunger in his eyes. The same hunger I saw last night.

Nora’s voice cuts through the air and the moment comes to an abrupt halt. Brent moves his hand to Nora’s curls, and she looks up at him with such affection that it brings tears to my eyes.

All around us, families laugh and smile, singing along to the Christmas music blaring over the speakers. Nora spots some friends from school and asks her dad if she can say hi.

“Only for a few minutes, we need to get going soon so you can get to bed.”

Once she’s gone, I’m alone with Brent.

“Well, what did you think of that craziness?” he asks.

“Ha ha. I didn’t find it crazy,” I say. “Where’s your Christmas spirit, Mr. Grump?”

“Yeah yeah, Christmas spirit. Nora has enough for all of us,” he jokes. “I’m glad you liked it. Next up is the Christmas Log Parade. I wonder if you’ll still be here.”

“I guess we’ll have to see,” I say as nonchalantly as I can.

“Hey, I have an idea, if Mom and Dad can watch Nora one night this week, would you want to go to that bar I was telling you about? Now that Dom is back in town, I thought maybe the four of us could go out. I need adult time.”

My heart picks up its pace and my palms grow sweaty.

“That sounds fun.” I work to keep my voice steady, so it doesn’t betray my nervousness. I'm especially thankful for all those acting classes right now.

“Awesome. I’ll let you know what night they’re free. Time to round up Nora and get her to bed. Are you walking back with Sally?”

“Yep, I’m going to go find her now. Have a good night, Brent.” I put my hand on his arm and squeeze.

Before I think better of it, I reach up and kiss his cheek.

“Goodnight Penelope.”

I watch him walk away and can’t help but stare. A night out with him can’t come soon enough.

Chapter Nineteen


“Mom?”Iwhisper-yellasI slowly open the back door to the inn and peek my head inside the next day.

I saw Penelope leaving a little bit ago, all bundled up for her daily walk, so I know the coast is clear.

But still, I’m not taking any chances.

Yes, I’m being a child, but I’m okay with myself.

“Mom? Are you in there?” I creep further into the inn and go straight into the kitchen, where I can usually find her.

“Brent? Is that you?” She calls from the exact spot I expect her to be. “Hi honey, I was hoping you’d come by today.”

To be honest, since that kiss with Penelope, I’ve been avoiding the inn when she’s around. Which means I’ve also been neglecting the projects that need to get done for my parents.

I’ve found myself thinking about her nonstop, and when I invited her for a night out, I half-expected her to say no. Now, I’m not so sure going is a good idea.

“Sorry, I’ve been so busy at the office. What do you have on the to-do list for today?” I ask as I put my arms around her. I tower over her, but her hugs are the best thing ever.