As soon as we hit the center of town, my senses are overloaded by all things Christmas. Seriously. Each year there’s even more crap.

Nora heads straight for the makeshift petting zoo, where there are goats, donkeys, and domesticated deer wearing antlers. Reindeer, I suppose.

I follow my daughter closely, so I don’t lose her. She could get easily lost in the crowd.

“Dad, do you think Santa needs his reindeer before Christmas? Like don’t they need to practice flying or something?”

My daughter, the thinker.

“I think he’s okay without them for just tonight, then they probably do need to practice,” I say as I ruffle her hair.

I wonder how much longer she’ll believe in Santa. I'm trying to hold on as long as possible.

“Penelope!” My daughter’s loud yell pulls me from my thoughts.

I turn just in time to see Penelope walking over with Sally. Those two have become good friends since she got here, Sally doesn’t shut up about her.

“Hi Nora! Omigosh are these Santa’s reindeer?” Penelope says as she gives Nora a big hug. Her eyes connect with mine.

“They sure are. Dad says Santa is okay without them for tonight but that they have to go back to practice for Christmas.”

“Your dad is probably right. Hey,” she says quietly, blushing.

“Hey yourself.” I can’t help it, my eyes flicker to her lips, drawn there by the memory of our kiss. I have to look away.

“Hey Sal,” I say looking at Sally instead.

Her eyes dart between me and Penelope. Damn, of course she noticed something’s going on. She knows me too well.

“Hey, stranger.” Sally waves at me with a smirk. Awesome. “How’s work? Been busy on another case?”

“Yeah, this one’s a monster. I promise I’ll come in soon for breakfast or lunch. Did you guys come together?”

“We did,” Penelope answers. “I went in for lunch today and we decided to walk over together. Sally promised to show me everything there is to see here at the lighting.”

“I can show you too!” Nora tells her, jumping up and down like she has springs on her feet. “Dad, can we show Penelope all the fun things too?”

Of course she wants to.

“As long as they don’t mind us tagging along,”I say, giving her an out. If she doesn’t want to spend tonight with me, she can decline.

“I’d love that.” She glances up at me through her eyelashes.

She has some makeup on, and her brown hair is curled, falling below her shoulders. She looks beautiful.

“Let’s do it. What shall we see first, Nora?” I grab my daughter’s hand.

It’s going to be a long night.

Chapter Eighteen



He even has gel in his hair and cologne on. It’s a delicious mix of citrus and cedar that I can’t get enough of. Yesterday, I could’ve sworn I smelled it when I was walking to the diner, and I looked around for way too long, thinking he was nearby.

Pathetic, I know.