My feelings for Brent keep growing, and saying goodbye to Nora is going to be so hard. Not to mention leaving Sally, Suzanne, and everyone else who’s made me feel welcome here.

“I knew you’d be happy with the update. Will I see you at the Tree Lighting?”

If he can tell I’m faking it, he doesn’t let on, and for that I’m grateful. I don’t want to sort out my feelings alone, let alone with someone else.

“You’ve been amazing, Ben. Thank you! I will be there!”

We chat for a few more minutes, and as soon as we’re done, I head back outside into the fresh air. So many thoughts fill my head—from my life and career in Manhattan to Brent and Nora here in Winterberry. I struggle to calm my racing heart.

I look up and notice that gray clouds are starting to roll in, promising more snow. I stand there for a minute longer before letting out a silent prayer that my car won’t be fixed until I can sort through my feelings. Slowly, I put one foot in front of the other and head back to the inn.

I have a special night to get ready for.

Chapter Seventeen


“Daaad.Daaad,hurryup,we’re going to be late to the Christmas Tree Lighting,” Nora calls from the living room.

I’m in my room taking my time getting ready and stalling the inevitable night that awaits me. And Nora is worried we’re going to miss the lighting.

Not that missing it would be the worst thing ever, if I’m being honest.

“I’m coming Nora, we won’t be late, don't worry,” I yell. “We’re meeting Grandma and Pop in front of the inn and going over with them.”

I settle on my favorite black hoodie, dark blue jeans, work boots, and black beanie.

I’m not looking forward to seeing Penelope and trying to hide the way last night made me feel. But Nora won’t let me out of this.

Here we go.

“Okay, okay, I’m here, let’s go.”

“Finally, geez, Dad, what were you doing in there?” she says, narrowing her eyes at me.

We head out the front door to meet my parents.

“Grandma! Pop! We’re here, we’re here! Dad almost made us late,” Nora yells when we see my parents outside.

She turns around, sticking out her tongue at me. If she wasn’t so cute, she’d be in trouble a lot more.

Turning back toward my parents, she runs and jumps into my mom’s arms, wrapping herself around her body.

“That’s okay sweetheart, we have plenty of time to get there,” my mom says into her hair.

Now, it’s my turn to stick my tongue out back at Nora. “See, I told you.”

“Really, Brent?” My mom shakes her head.

Grabbing Nora’s hand after my mom has put her down, I can’t help but laugh as we start walking toward the center of town. Along the way, we run into tons of our neighbors, all on their way to the same place.

I hear the event before I see it, the sound of Christmas music filling the air, children laughing, and animal noises from the North Pole Petting Zoo that’s been temporarily set up. I look down at Nora and notice that she can hear it too.

“Dad, can we hurry please? I want to see the reindeer before the tree lights up!” She drags me along.

“Sure, let’s go munchkin.”

We pick up our pace and I can’t help but search for Penelope. I wasn’t sure if she’d walk over with us, since she came to the festival with my parents, but so far there hasn’t been a sign of her.