After who knows how long, I push myself up and head into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Tomorrow is the Winterberry Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, and even though I’m completely mortified to see Brent, I’m looking forward to the event.

The blanket I wore to Brent’s house still smells like him, so I snuggle up to it and rest my cheek on it. Trying to quiet my thoughts about seeing Brent tomorrow, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Before I know it, light streams through the sheer curtains, waking me. My dreams were filled with Brent, the feel of his lips on mine, and the smell of him surrounding me. Not good.

Stretching my arms above my head, I glance at the window and think about the day ahead of me. Will it be awkward when I see Brent? Will I be able to pretend like nothing happened?

Good thing I basically play pretend for a living.

I’ll treat it like I would an acting role. Playing his friend, and nothing else, for the remainder of my stay in Winterberry.

The big question is, why does that make me so sad?

Looking over at the old school alarm clock on the nightstand, I see that it’s just after eight a.m. which means Brent should be out of the house already. Maybe I won’t have to see him until tonight.

Once I’m dressed, with light makeup on and my hair in a bun, I head downstairs. The smell of French toast greets me.

“Good morning, Penelope,” Suzanne says from the dining room where she’s setting the table. “You’re just in time for breakfast. I hope you’re hungry!”

“Morning,” I say. “It smells amazing in here. French toast sounds perfect. Can I help you set the table?”

Entering the kitchen, I notice she also has chocolate chip cookie dough on the counter, ready to go in the oven for tonight’s dessert, and the crockpot is on in the corner.

This woman is going to put ten pounds on me before Christmas.

“That’s okay honey, you sit down, I’m bringing the food to the table now.”

Suzanne is the mother I wished I had when I was growing up. Gran did her best but she was too busy working to cook. I often ate by myself. I didn’t mind, I knew it was a lot on her shoulders, but damn if I didn’t wish it could’ve been different.

With her warm smile and signature apron tied around her waist, Suzanne brings a huge plate to the table. It’s filled with pieces of French toast coated in powdered sugar and maple syrup. When she sets it down before me, I waste no time digging in.

“Would you like coffee to go with that?” Suzanne asks.

“I can get some myself, thank you though,” I say in between bites.

“Nonsense, I’m getting myself a cup too so I’ll pour you one. Cream in it, like you usually take?”

She knows how I take my coffee. For some reason, this makes my heart squeeze, and I smile. “Yes please.”

After a few minutes, she reenters the dining room with two piping hot mugs of coffee and joins me. None of the other guests are up yet, so it’s just us.

“What are your plans for today?” She asks as we eat. “You’re coming to the Christmas Tree Lighting, right?”

“I am! I can’t wait. I think I’m going to take a walk after breakfast then stop in and see Sally for lunch. I finished the book you left in my room, and I know you have so many here but I’m going to walk to the bookstore and see if I find any that pique my interest.”

“That sounds like a great day sweetheart. Have you heard anything else about your car?”

“Not yet. I may stop into Ben’s shop if I have time to check in. I’m sure the parts will be in soon and I’ll be out of your hair,” I joke.

“I’ve loved having you here. Nora has loved it too. She keeps talking about you.”

“She sure is a special little girl,” I say, my cheeks reddening as I remember last night at Brent’s house.

For the next few minutes, we eat in silence before we’re joined by guests who undoubtedly smelled the delicious breakfast and followed their noses downstairs. I don’t blame them.

“Here, I’ll take your plate, you sit and enjoy your coffee,” I tell Suzanne when we’re done eating.