“She also has perfect timing,” I tease.

A small smile creeps across her face, and she moves to tuck that errant piece of hair behind her ear. I’m learning that it’s a nervous tic of hers.

“That she does. Brent…”

“It’s okay, we don’t need to talk about it,” I say. “We were both caught up in the moment. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it, but I get that you’re leaving as soon as you can.” As soon as the words come out of my mouth, her body language changes.

She wraps her arms around her midsection. Did I say something wrong? Was this more to her than just a kiss?

“Yeah, you’re right. I should get going, it’s later than I realized,” she says too quickly.

Even though the walk back to the inn is short, I don’t want her getting cold. I stride to the couch where she left her blanket, pick it up, and wrap it around her shoulders. I’m tempted to lean down and kiss her again, but instead, I graze my lips across her cheek.

“I’ll watch from the door to make sure you get back to the inn okay. Your blanket cape will keep you warm.”

“Thank you for tonight, I had a great time.”

“Me too. I don’t get much adult company other than my parents, and they don’t count.” I pause. “Are you going to the Tree Lighting Ceremony tomorrow? That is, if Ben doesn’t have your car ready?”

“I was planning on it. Will I see you there?”

“Yep, Nora won’t let me miss it. She’s all about that Christmas spirit,” I say with a laugh.

“Goodnight, Brent, see you tomorrow.”

She gives me a tiny wave before wrapping the blanket across her chest, heading out the door, and making her way across the lawn.

I stand there, watching her leave with a heaviness in my chest. I stay rooted in place, long after she disappears from sight, until I can breathe again. I shut and lock the door for the night.

Navigating the living room, I put out the fireplace and unplug the Christmas tree.

When darkness fills the room, my thoughts swirl.

What have I done?

Chapter Sixteen


WhenBrentkissedme,it felt like the world stopped. The only two people that existed were me and him. Nothing outside that room mattered. It was the best kiss I’ve ever had, and I never wanted it to end.

But based on the way he reacted, I don’t think he feels the same. I’m such an idiot.

I was expecting to put Nora back to bed then pick up where we left off. Boy was I wrong. I’m not sure how I’m going to look at him and pretend that I didn’t feel anything.

Because I did.

But he was just caught up in the moment.

Taking another deep breath, I sneak through the inn’s front door. The glow from the twinkly lights makes me feel at home.

But this place isn’t my home, I need to remind myself of that.

I ascend the stairs as quietly as possible. It’s silent save for my own breathing, and I don’t want to wake anyone up.

I slip into my room, close the door behind me, then lean against it. I slide to the ground and hug my knees to my chest. My mind continues to replay my night with Brent.

Did I read that kiss all wrong?