Once Brent leaves, I run upstairs to get ready. I know for a fact I look like a hot mess. Looking in my bathroom mirror confirms this. I groan at my reflection.

Wow, it’s worse than I thought.

Quickly, I splash my face with water, put on some tinted moisturizer, a coat of mascara, and lip balm. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to impress him, which I’m not by the way, I just don’t want to look like a mess.

I shake my hair out of the bun and braid it, letting it hang over my shoulder. Casual but cute.

Brent seemed embarrassed by my blanket cape, so I put it back on. It’s fun to mess with him.

Drew and I definitely didn’t have a playful relationship. He wanted me to look a certain way, act a certain way, and would even pick my outfits when we went out together. He often called the paparazzi to take photos of us. It felt like I was an accessory to him. Something to be paraded around and admired.

At the time, I’d thought it was sweet he cared about me looking my best. But now, I’m realizing it wasn’t about me—it was about howhelooked.

Spending time with Brent makes me feel valuable for who I am, not how I look. He didn’t even bat an eye at my appearance while I sobbed. The only thing he cared about was helping me feel better.

Drew would’ve been appalled by my crying face.

That feeling of having to be perfect for Drew, even when I was going to bed or going to the gym, was stressful.

Being here in Winterberry, I haven’t felt that pressure even once.

Shaking the thoughts away, I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, take one more look at myself in the mirror, grab my room key, and head out the door.

If these butterflies in my stomach could knock it off for a few minutes, that would be awesome.

Opening the front door of the inn, I shiver at the icy shards that fill my lungs. The town smells like a mix of fireplaces, evergreen trees, and snow. It’s a scent I’ve never experienced before, and it evokes a new feeling inside me.


Wrapping the blanket tighter around me, I quickly cross the lawn and stop at the two steps that lead to Brent’s front porch. I haven’t ventured back here since I arrived, and I’m struck by how cute it is. Definitelynotwhat I’m used to in Manhattan, but it’s so homey that it makes me smile.

For someone who isn’t into Christmas, Brent’s house is decorated beautifully. There’s a swing, similar to the one at the inn, and a small Christmas tree lights up the corner of the porch. The trim around the windows has white lights, and there’s a huge wreath on the door.

I knock lightly. I know Nora is asleep and I don’t want to wake her up. As much as I love that little girl, I’m looking forward to spending time alone with Brent. After a few seconds, Brent opens the door and the little smirk on his face makes wearing this blanket even more satisfying.

“You just couldn’t help yourself with that blanket cape, could you?” He opens the door wider so I can enter.

“It’s just so cozy and I know how much you loved the look, so I just had to,” I say as I make my way into his living room. I stop, taking it all in, and am completely surprised by what I see. Sure, Brent is a single dad, but his home doesn’t reflect that at all.

There’s a huge Christmas tree in the corner of the room, a beige couch, a wood fireplace with stockings hung on the mantle, photos on the walls, and a huge TV. A perfect spot for movie nights.

“You’re allowed to come in, you know,” he says, voice rumbling. Brent has let some of his grumpy wall down, and I like what I’ve seen behind it.

Maybe a little too much.

“Why thank you, grumpy pants. I love your home.”

“You sound kind of surprised by that. Did you expect something else?”

“I’m not sure what I was expecting but it feels so homey here. I love your couch. I want one for my apartment when I get home.”

“Well hopefully Ben will have your car fixed soon and you can get back home. I don’t know what’s taking so long with these parts.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” I tease, secretly hoping that he isn’t.

“I didn’t say that. Just surprised at how long this is taking, that’s all.”

The trill of a teapot fills the air and cuts the tension.