I’ve heard so much about it, and since it’s the start of the Christmas festivities here in Winterberry, I can’t wait to see what it’s all about. Ben has called the inn each day to let me know there’s no update on my car. But there’s also no snow in the forecast for the next few days, so he’s confident I’ll be on my way soon.

As much as I don’t want to leave, I’m aware that filming for my next movie starts soon. It’s not easy getting a starring role in a film, and one wrong move could blacklist me.

I’m going to have to get in touch with William, my agent, but not today. I’ve been trying to keep my mind busy today because the anticipation for tonight is threatening to spill over.

“Penelope, do you want to come with us to the festival?” Suzanne asks, pulling my attention from the book I’m devouring.

“Yes please! When do you want to leave?”

“How does half an hour sound?”

“Perfect. I’ll go get ready.”

Practically running upstairs, I get out my luggage and pick out an outfit. I decide to go for an off-the-shoulder cream sweater, skinny jeans, over the knee leather boots, and a cute headband. I haven’t worn my normal makeup since I’ve been here, so I take my time applying a full face, complete with a perfect winged liner that I'm proud of.

If only Marco, my makeup artist, could see what I’ve created.

After staring at myself in the mirror, I head downstairs to meet Tom and Suzanne.

“You look gorgeous!” Suzanne says when she sees me.

My cheeks heat and I can’t help the smile that stretches to my ears. “Thank you so much. I’m excited for this!”

It takes a few minutes to find parking at the festival, so we have a bit of a walk to get to the event gazebo. When I see the festival, it takes my breath away. The entire town has come out for food, games, Christmas decorations, music, shopping, and more.

I’m in heaven.

Making our way through the crowd, I stay close to Brent’s parents as they stop every few seconds to say hi to people they know. Many of the residents I met during my short stint as waitress at Sally’s Diner, or on my daily walks around town, but they introduce me to anyone I haven’t met.

I’m a lot less on edge in the crowd than I’d normally be. Yes, the possibility that someone could recognize me is still at the front of my mind, but I’m starting to feel comfortable here. I’m no longer looking over my shoulder for a paparazzi hiding in the grass and…it feels good.

As we walk further onto the snow-covered park in the middle of town, I hear a voice that I immediately recognize. “Hey, we’ve been looking for you guys.”

Nora comes running up and throwing herself at her grandparents, while Brent takes his time approaching us.

I want to ask him why he hasn’t been to dinner at the inn, why he’s been avoiding me, but I hold my tongue and decide to be civil instead. That should be easy, right?

Chapter Eleven


Inoticeherbeforeshe sees me, and my breath catches in my throat. She looks gorgeous with her makeup done and she’s at ease with my parents. The complete opposite of when I first met her a few days ago. Her smile looks so genuine. She’s laughing at something my mom said as they walk, with no hint of slumped shoulders or red-rimmed eyes like she had that first night.

I’ve done everything I can to avoid seeing her, even missing dinners with my mom and dad, and working at the office instead of home. The other day, I was driving into town and saw her and Sally sitting outside at the coffee shop. It took everything in me to keep driving and not stop to say hi.

Why? Because my pulse quickens when I’m around her. She makes me anxious. I’d rather avoid her than try and hide how many times I think about her each day. But now, here she is, with her arms around my daughter, right at home at the festival.

I’m pretty sure this town has doubled the amount of Christmas cheer that’s at the festival, and Nora is so excited about it. Me, on the other hand? I could do without it.

“Dad, Dad, look!” Nora screams from beside my parents. “It’s Grandma, Pop and Penelope! She’s here Dad, she’s here for the festival!”

“I see that,” I say, cautiously making my way across the snow. “Penelope, welcome to the start of the worst season here in Winterberry—I mean the Winter Festival.”

“Hi honey,” Mom says, “we’ve missed you at dinner. Has work been keeping you busy?”

“Yeah, working on a big case. I’ve been working from the office to get everything done before the Christmas season picks up and Nora here has me running all over town doing seasonal things. How’s everything at the inn?”

I try not to look at Penelope as I catch up with Mom.