“I’m so glad you like it. How do you like your room?” At Suzanne’s voice, I tear my gaze away from Brent.

“It’s beautiful! I love it. Thank you for letting me stay here. Hopefully Ben has my car ready soon, so I don’t impose for too long.” I already feel bad for taking up a room at the inn. I’m paying for it, but still.

“You can stay as long as you want.” She winks before turning to talk to the other guests.

For the rest of dinner, the conversation flows. I comment here and there, but for the most part, I simply enjoy the warmth that fills the room. It has nothing to do with the food or the crackling fireplace in the other room, it’s the cozy feeling of sitting down, with no phones or TV on, enjoying each other’s company.

I find myself sneaking peeks of Brent across the table, noticing the way his seemingly permanent scowl lifts whenever he’s talking to Nora.

Time seems to pass faster than usual, and before I know it, plates are being cleared and the other guests are headed to their rooms for the night. I take my dishes to the kitchen then head back to the dining room to say goodnight.

“Suzanne, do you need help doing the dishes?”

“That’s so sweet of you but you’re a guest here and you’ve had a long day. I hope you sleep well.”

“Thank you and thank you for dinner, it was delicious.”

As Brent collects their dishes and heads for the kitchen, he tells Nora to get her shoes on. I turn to the little girl. “Goodnight Nora, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“You betcha!” She bounces on her feet before walking over and hugging my middle. Totally caught off guard by her affection, I pause for a beat before hugging her back. She stares up at me with her big eyes.

My skin prickles ever so slightly as I realize that Brent has come back from the kitchen. He’s standing there, almost frozen in place, and his eyes are fixed on me and Nora. I can see the wheels turning in his brain, but he stays silent.

“Goodnight,” Nora says as we pull apart. I give her a little wave as she runs to the door.

“I’ll call Ben in the morning and see if he has any news.” Brent eyes me. “Night.”

He turns on his heel to follow his little girl. I watch them for a second. He tenderly helps her with her boots, puts her jacket over her shoulders, and ushers her out the door, stopping to kiss his mom on the cheek.

Before he pulls the door fully closed, our eyes meet. Heat surges through me but then he’s gone.

Making my way up the steps, I have a little bounce in my step after such a comforting night. When I reach my room, I grab a pair of fuzzy socks and slippers from my suitcase.

I also open the smaller bag I packed and get all of my skin care products out. I need to shower this day off. I may be in a tiny town, but I still need to keep up with my skin regimen. Who knows what kind of water they have here.

With my arms full of products, I leave the pajamas on the bed and head to the bathroom. Turning on the light and the shower, I let the steam fill the bathroom before stepping into the water.

Letting the heat hit my body, I stand there for several minutes before grabbing my body wash and washing the past few days off my skin.

I stay in there awhile longer before begrudgingly turning off the water and getting a towel so I can dry off and head back into the bedroom to get comfy.

My eyelids are heavy, and the bed calls my name.

I secure the towel around my body before walking to the window. It’s pitch-black outside, but with all of the lights filling the yard, I notice the snow steadily falling and the entire ground is covered in white. It’s so beautiful that it takes everything in me to peel my gaze away from the sight so I can get dressed.

I take my time putting my pajamas on and getting ready for bed. Snagging the book I was reading before I left the city, I snuggle up under the covers.

It takes only a few minutes before my eyes grow tired and I’m fighting to keep them open. A few more pages in and I turn off the lamp, succumbing to sleep.

The last thought before I drift off is wondering what Brent is doing right now. Is he thinking of me, too?

Chapter Nine


Ishouldhaveimmediatelyleft the inn to go to my house after that incredibly awkward moment with Penelope, but Nora wanted to have dinner with my parents, so we stayed for a little while. I could feel her enter the room before I heard her voice, and I was hyperaware of her all through dinner.

The entire time we were at the table, I forced myself not to stare at her. The stress of the day was on her face, apparent in her swollen eyes and blotchy skin, and I could tell she’s holding the weight of the world on her shoulders.