Damn it, for the millionth time today I wish I hadn’t left my phone in the penthouse. What an idiot.

“You can call either,” Brent tells him. “Don’t worry, Ben, she’ll be fine. Talk to you soon I hope.”

He hangs up and we silently pull up in front of the school. Honestly, I should be freaking out right now but a big part of me is excited at the opportunity to stay in this little town for another few days. When was the last time I enjoyed the Christmas season surrounded by kind people?

“Be right back. I’ll grab Nora and then we can head to the inn,” Brent says as he leaves the truck. Walking up to the front of the building and standing with all the other parents, Brent waves at his daughter. Nora’s face lights up when her eyes find her dad, and she jumps into his arms. He sets her down, ruffling her hair, and they head back to the truck.

I scoot to the center of the seat so Nora can get in the passenger side. Brent climbs in the driver’s seat, and the heat radiating off his thigh makes me shiver. We’re so close I can hear him breathing. I flush.

On the drive to the inn, I sneak a peek at him and catch him looking back at me. I’m completely tongue-tied and attracted to this semi-stranger. His daughter is also beside me, chatting away about taking me to the Winter Festival.

The way Brent is with Nora fills me with such warmth I consider trusting him. A man who treats his daughter the way he does must be a good man.

Before I know it, we pull up to a charming inn and I suck in a breath. Fir trees with lights and ornaments line the driveway. Garland decorates the wraparound porch, from one end to the other, and each window hosts a candle.

It looks like something out of a movie, and I find myself staring.

“Home sweet home,” Brent says, cutting through my thoughts. “Welcome to the Butterfly Inn. I’ll grab your extremely heavy bags and we then can go in to meet my parents,” he says with a teasing tone.

Nora exits the truck and darts to the front porch, calling for her grandparents. I slide out, pausing to take in the scenery. Just as I’m about to take a step, a small snowflake lands on my cheek and I can’t help but smile.

Chapter Seven


“You’vegottobekidding me,” I mutter as snow begins to fall. I hate snow. This is the third time it’s snowed this year, and it’s only the first week in December.

As I round the truck, I immediately stop in my tracks when I see Penelope frozen there with the biggest smile plastered on her face. She faces the sky as the snow falls, collecting on her eyelashes. It’s a beautiful scene. Another snow lover at the inn.

“Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed,” she says with red cheeks when she notices me standing there. “I haven’t seen snow in forever.”

“Does it not snow in Manhattan?” I tease.

“It does, but since I travel a lot for work, I’m not usually there for the holidays. In fact, I haven’t even had a tree in my apartment the past two Christmases,” she says sheepishly.

“What do you usually do on Christmas Day then?”

“Sometimes I go out to dinner, or I’ll sleep in and get takeout.”

“That’s so different from the chaotic Christmas I have here. Do you spend it with your family?”

“I don’t have any family,” she says quietly, and I feel bad for asking. “It’s just me so I don’t do much. It winds up just being a normal day of the week for me and then back to work on the 26th.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” And I mean it. “No one should be alone on Christmas.”

“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” she mumbles as she turns her face back to the sky.

I have the urge to ask her more questions, but I don’t want to come across as pushy.

“I realize you’re enjoying this terrible snow, but why don’t we go inside and meet the family where there’s heat and hot coffee.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t like the snow? Geez, first Christmas, now snow. Whatdoyou like?”

“Eh there are a few things I like but that conversation is better for a different day,” I tell her as her cheeks redden again. I realize I’m probably wasting my time, but I still find myself flirting with her. Yes, she’s way out of my league and will be on her way back to her life in the city as soon as her car is ready, but I can’t help it.

“Shall we?” I gesture for her to walk up to the inn. I hope she’s ready for the holiday craziness that waits to greet her.

Christmas music rings out as we approach the front door. The bells chime as I push it open.