“This might sound weird but, do I know you from somewhere?” she asks. “You look so familiar to me, but I can’t place it.”

“I don’t think so. I’ve never been to Winterberry before. Maybe I just have one of those faces.” Please, please, please, let her buy that.

“You’re probably right. Enjoy!”

With that, Brent and I enjoy our delicious breakfast. Every few minutes someone new stops by our table to greet Brent and introduce themselves.

They ask how his parents are, how Nora is doing in school, how the law firm is going, and other personal things about his life. They genuinely care about what’s happening in Brent’s life. Many are curious about who I am and greet me cheerily. Brent introduces me and explains that my car is being fixed, and that he’s keeping me busy until it’s ready. Without fail, every person remarks that it’s so nice to put a face to the woman they’ve heard so much about from the Main Street incident.

“Small town living.” Brent shakes his head after the fifteenth person leaves the table. “It’s the most exciting thing to happen in a while.”

“Have you known all of these people since you were little?”

“Not everyone, but mostly, yep. Lots of people are born in Winterberry and never leave. Or, like me, leave but find their way back. I’m not sure what it is about this town, but it’s like an ex that you just can’t shake.”

I laugh at his analogy. “We’ve all been there.”

What he doesn't know is that I’m there right now. Yes, Drew cheated on me, and our relationship is over, but there’s this small piece of me that wonders if it was taken out of context? Maybe the paparazzi contrived the photo to look like something it wasn’t.

It’s hard to let go of a relationship that I thought was my forever. But, since I have no phone and I can’t contact him, I guess it’s time to move on.

I would love to call Georgia and ask her opinion, but like most people in their late 20’s, I don’t have her number memorized.

I hope I didn’t make a mistake coming here.

Brent and I continue eating and fielding guests at our table until every single delectable morsel is devoured. I’m tempted to lick the plate clean but think better of it. I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day.

“You look like you’re deep in thought over there,” Brent says, frowning.

“Oh. Not at all. I was just contemplating how embarrassing it would be if I literally licked the plate clean and decided it wasn’t worth the humiliation.” I somehow manage to keep a straight face.

“NowthatI would pay to see.”

“Listen, don't tempt me. I’ve done worse and those pancakes were so good. I don’t think I’ll be going years between pancake inhaling again.”

As soon as the statement is out of my mouth, his brows fly up and his eyes lock with mine. What am I even saying?

He stares at me for a beat before saying, “Good. No number on the scale is worth skipping the deliciousness of Sally’s pancakes.”

“You know, I may not have agreed with a lot you’ve said today, butthatI totally am on board with. Pancakes for lunch will definitely be in my new rotation.”

A small smile spreads across his lips and I find myself smiling right along with him.

“I’ll get the check now. Feel like taking a little tour of Winterberry before I have to pick Nora up from school?”

“That sounds great!” I say a little too enthusiastically. “Let me know how much I owe you for lunch.”

“That’s okay, I’ve got this. Want to meet me at the truck?”

“Why thank you, kind sir,” I say. “See you in a few.”

After saying goodbye to Sally and thanking her for the magical pancakes, I wait at the truck for Brent. I can’t even lie, I can’t wait to see more of the town and take in all the Christmas spirit. In fact, I haven’t been this excited in months.

When Brent makes his way to his truck, my heart starts beating faster. My breath catches in my throat.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way with Drew. I never felt out of breath or flustered around him. Yes, I was attracted to him and loved him, but it was nothing like this.

“Earth to Penelope!” Brent says as he opens the passenger door for me. The annoyance on his face almost makes me laugh. How long was I lost in my thoughts?