“Thanks for the suggestion, Ben, and for helping me with the car,” she calls after him before heading back to my truck.

“Well, looks like you’re stuck with me for the day,” she says as we get ready to pull away from the curb.

Her personality is starting to come out little by little, and I want to see more.

“I guess it could be worse.”

“Oh, wait a minute, does Mr. Grumpy Pants have a sense of humor now?”

“Did you just call me Mr. Grumpy Pants?”

“I sure did,” Penelope says, nodding defiantly.

“You know, I think I liked you more when you were shy,” I say. “Let’s go get some food. I have a feeling you and Sally are going to hit it off.”

We make the short drive to the diner, park in front, and go inside to order some of Sally’s delicious food. As soon as Sally sees me, a big smile appears on her face. Her eyes dart to Penelope, who’s at my side. Oh boy, here we go.

She’s also single like I am, and half the town has been trying to set us up since I moved back. But I think she has her eyes set on Dominick, my best friend from high school who recently moved back to town. She hasn’t told me that personally, but the way she looks at him says it all.

I haven’t had a serious girlfriend since Michelle. Sure, I’ve gone on dates and even had random hookups, but I’ve never brought a woman to my house, and I’ve felt no attachment.

Not for lack of trying on the entire town’s part.

“Brent! I didn’t know you were coming in today,” Sally says. She leads us to a table. A Santa hat covers most of her blonde bob, and combined with the green apron, she looks like an elf. Her signature red glasses tie the look together. “Thanks, Sal. This is Penelope. Penelope, this is Sally. She owns the diner and is one of my best friends.”

“So nice to meet you,” Penelope says as she reaches out to shake Sally’s hand. “This place is so cute and Iloveyour outfit.”

“Oh honey, I’m a hugger,” Sally says as she pulls Penelope in for a bear hug. “So, you’re the one whose car broke down on Main Street. Glad to see you’re okay and in good hands.”

“Wow, news travels fast here doesn’t it.” Penelope laughs.

“That’s small-town life for you. Come sit over here and I’ll get your menus.”

She takes us to my favorite booth. I sit in my usual place and Penelope slides in across from me. This is the first time since meeting her that we’re face to face and all her beauty is on display. Her full lips and brown eyes are mesmerizing, and I find myself staring. I give myself a few seconds before snapping out of my daze.

Sally sets down menus, winking before leaving.

I grit my teeth. Can’t a man take a beautiful woman for food without it being a thing?

“So, what’s your favorite thing to eat here?” Penelope asks me.

“I’m partial to the chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon and a black coffee. But to be honest, everything is good here. Sally has a great spot.”

“Are you guys old friends?”

“Yep I've known her since middle school when we were both really awkward with braces and pimples. Luckily I grew out of that stage, her not so much,” I say loud enough for Sally to hear.

Sally sticks her tongue out at me across the diner and I can’t help but laugh.

“It must be so great to have people you’ve known for so long still in your life.”

“It has its advantages and disadvantages, but Sally is like a little sister to me, and I’d do anything for her. So, what are you going to order?”

Sitting here, the anticipation of more time together grows. And that’s not going to happen. As soon as her car is fixed, I’m sure she’ll be on the road back to Manhattan. Based on her designer brands and luxury car, she’s clearly used to a fancier lifestyle than Winterberry can offer.

I stare at her across the table, reminding myself she’s only here temporarily. No use getting to know someone who’s only going to leave.

Chapter Six