I’m not really in any position to bargain. I have no idea how I would sign myself up for a medical heat if Ms. O’Brien refused. “What?” I ask.
“I’ll show you the medical heat if I can also show you the regular heat. With a pack. And if you watch both, and still want a medical heat, I’ll put you on the list. Sound fair?”
I feel my scent rise with embarrassment. “You want me to watch porn.”
“It’s educational material. And you’re the one who asked.”
“For themedicalheat.”
“Both are explicit. Do you accept or not?”
“Fine,” I relent.
“Ok. Let me set them up. I’ll leave so you can watch alone. It can be a little hard on your hormones.”
She fiddles with her laptop, clicking and typing and clicking some more and then turning the screen to face me. The video is paused, showing an empty room. A massive bed occupies the center, with a huge pile of blankets on top.
“They’ll play one after the other, you don’t need to do anything. And Indie?”
I turn to Ms. O’Brien. Her eyes are full of concern. I remember how happy she looked last night, with her alphas and beta and the little girls. A family.
“What?” I ask.
“What you’re about to see? It’s not who you are. It’s a part of you, yes, but you are still you. You’re still Indie. Smart as a whip, complicated and funny and sarcastic. Don’t let this define you or what you think you’re capable of, ok?”
My shoulders sag. Ms. O’Brien leaves, closing the door to her office softly behind her.
I turn back to the screen, suddenly nervous. I wanted to get this over with, to prove Cecilia wrong, but the static image on the screen seems somehow foreboding.
I hit play.
At first, nothing happens. Then the blanket pile moves, and I realize that there’s somebody underneath. A nest, not a pile.
“Alpha?”the sound is grainy, the word barely audible. A tiny face pops out from the blankets, all flushed cheeks and big eyes. An omega. She’s pretty.
A rumbling sound comes from offscreen, and then three massive alphas enter the room. They stride quickly, confidently, approaching the bed in perfect synchronization. One of them sweeps blankets aside, the other scoops the omega into his arms, crooning for her. The sound quality turns even more staticky, but then I realize that what I thought was white noise is actually purring.
Memories of Leon’s rumbly purr hit me, and I feel a distinct rush of wetness between my legs, making me clench my thighs with embarrassment.
The other two alphas make quick work of the blankets, not shoving the nest aside but instead reshaping it so they all fit. One of them sits up against the headboard and the alpha holding the omega sets her down so she’s leaning with her back against his front. He takes over the purring, pulling her into him. He begins touching her, and my cheeks flush as I watch his hands roam. Over her chest, cupping her chin, venturing between her legs. She eagerly helps him pull her shirt off.
“Good girl,”he grumbles. She’s panting now, spreading her legs to give him better access. She starts whining as his motions quicken, and before the other two alphas have even stripped their clothes off, she’s bucking in his lap, crying out.
I hit the mute button, unable to listen to her pleasure-filled cries. I feel like I’m violating their privacy.
On the now-silent screen, one of the other alphas crawls over to the omega, panting and slumped back against her other alpha. He’s naked, and I instinctively avert my gaze, mortified. It doesn’t seem right. After a moment, I can’t help it though, and I turn back to watch. My eyes dart where their hips meet.
He’s buried himself between her legs, grinding his hips up and into her. Her mouth opens in a silent ‘O’ of ecstasy, and I know she’s making all kinds of noises that I don’t want to hear.
He kisses her. The other alpha is still fondling her, grinding his own hips into her butt, though he’s still fully clothed.
The third alpha crawls in then, leaning forward and kissing the alpha who’s sitting against the headboard.
I can smell myself now, my spicy citrusy tea sharp and definitive and needy. The alpha resting against the headboard reaches out and grasps the third alpha’s... thing, stroking it slowly.
And this time, I see it. At the base, growing with every stroke. His knot. I swallow once, twice, again, unable to clear my throat.
I press my thighs together. I’m wet. Soaking wet. Like,need a change of pantieswet. And maybe my pants too.