Page 47 of Impossible

“Am I that strong?” I blush.

“Yes, little bird, you are,” he smiles.

My stomach twists. Is my scent not affecting him like it did Risk? Does he not feel what I do? I’m dying to press my palms against his chest. To feel him purr, though I know he shouldn’t. I shouldn’t want him to. Right?




She’stryingtofuckingkill me.

If my cock grew any harder it would fully bust through my fatigues.

She is rubbing her face directly over my scent glands, sending a tidal wave of citrus sweetness coursing through my veins.

I like to think I’m a well-controlled alpha. Instincts in check. A voice of reason in my pack.

But this featherweight princess in my arms is testing every limit I’ve ever placed on myself and then some.

I would break her. Crush her. No. I would hold her. Worship her.Fuck, Leon.

The rut is inside me. I can feel it. It’s only egged on by the compulsion I had to put on Risk. We alphas don’t talk about it, but thereisa surge of pleasure when you dominate somebody. When you win.

To feel that against my own packmate? It’s sick. Wrong. And fueling the beast inside me that wants to pick up where he left off. I speed up, trying to escape the thought.

In between flashes of beyond inappropriate fantasies about the girl in my arms, I’m cursing Hollis, because I have no idea where Risk is, or if he’s even close to ok after what I did to him. The bond is a dead phone line in my body. He could be anywhere.

In the clearing, holding Indie, she was all I was thinking about. Just making sure she was ok. Making sure Risk hadn’t further traumatized her. If she wasn’t sure about the medical heat before, she has to be now.

But I can’t think about it. I have to make sure she’s ok. And then Risk. Is that the right order? She isn’t ours, not technically, not yet. Maybe not ever. And he’s my bonded packmate.

But the bond isn’t there. Ever since the attack, when Hollis shuttered it. When he thought Joshua’s black hole would somehow further damage Risk. Drain him of whatever life force he has.

If I’m being honest, he could use a little draining. He’s like a spinning top, in perpetual motion, careening around, crashing into things or people and bouncing and not coming to rest until somebody drags him down. He’s always been that way.

He’s always needed us more, to anchor him. And when he needed us most, Hollis cut the one line that tied us to him. The language that only Risk seemed native in. The pack bond, the second heart beating in my chest, a little pulse of the vital life force of every member of my pack.Fuck.

I steady my breathing, trying to pace quietly with Indie in my arms, ears searching the forest for the sound of him. Nothing.Fuckfuckfuck.

Indie is spiking again. She has no idea how powerful it is, and I’m worried about walking her through the middle of campus to get to the med hall like this. I need all my blood in my brain in order to think, but with her eyelashes fluttering against my neck, her arms clinging to me, I’m a goner. Every red blood cell has a one-way ticket straight to my dick.

I bite back a groan. I can’t scare her. She’s so delicate, so afraid of this aspect of who we are.

But she’s also going to need to learn how to control this. How to recognize when she’s doing it.

“Indie,” I hesitate as we get closer to the tree line. “You’re spiking again.”

“Sorry,” she murmurs. “I don’t know how to stop.”

I bite back another groan. How did we end up here? How is it thatI’mthe one who has to attempt to explain this?

She has to be slick and wet and needy and desperate for me right now, she’s burning up in my arms and her black-tea scent is sharp with lust. What Iwantto do is lay her down and knot her and never let her go, not without my bite on her neck. What Ineedto do is explain to a self-conscious, anorexic, pubescent teenager how tonotbe horny. Despite the veritable fountain of pheromones inches from her neck, tailor-made for her biology to turn her on. Yeah. This is great.

“It’s ok,” I falter. “Take some deep breaths. Focus on scents that uh, aren’t mine. Can you smell the forest? Can you pick up any other omegas?”

She sniffs gently, her little button nose rising into the night air. I fight the urge to fall to my knees. My cock is pulsing with heat, my knot halfway inflated just by the scent of her alone.