“Little bird,” Leon speaks softly, “You are not a mess. What you’re going through is impossible. You’re handling it like a champ. I feel privileged to witness it.”
I look up at him, and I can tell he’s being earnest. My stomach flips. How stupid, to be bothered by the plastic smells of Cam and Rose when his heady scent is all around.
“Do I smell good to you?” I ask before I can stop myself.
He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
“Yes, you do,” he says, his voice a little stiff.
“Risk smells like you. Not the same scent, but the same kind of… I don’t know. Safety?” I blush, realizing how Risk’s actions a few minutes ago are the antithesis of safety. “Wilder and Dr. Gray don’t smell like that.”
Leon swallows again. “What do they smell like?”
“Dr. Gray smells like leather, and Wilder smells like musty paper.”
That makes Leon smile. “How about we get you back to the Complex and get that knee looked at?”
He helps me off his lap and I can’t keep my eyes from flashing to his groin—he was careful when I was in his lap to not let my weight anywhere near his crotch, but as he moves to stand, I catch sight of the swell of him in his pants. He’s hard—and very, very large. My eyes widen and I swallow thickly.It’s just the spike it’s just the spike it’s just the spike.
He turns away from me for a moment, taking the opportunity not only to adjust himself, but also to re-tuck his sleeve over his stump. I do my best to school my features into something non-desperate.
“Can you walk?” he asks.
I shake my head. My knee is throbbing and hot and already my opposite hip is shrieking at me for how I’m standing to keep my weight off the injury.
Leon scoops me up without another word. I feel childish being carried again, but I can’t ignore the distinct, heavy wetness growing between my thighs as he lifts me.It’s just the spike, I repeat to myself in a silent prayer.
I hate myself for it. It’s like no matter what I do or say, any time I take a breath the pheromones wash over me, forcing my attention to Leon. To the things I could envision myself doing with him, if I let myself. If he wanted me. Indie the Imaginative.
I bury my face in his chest, embarrassed. I shouldn’t feel like this, no part of me really wants it, right? It’s all hormones, no matter how real it seems. I can’t trust this man, look at what his packmate did to me.
And look how much you liked it.
“How old is Risk?” I ask, trying to distract myself. “He seems so much younger than you.”
“He’s twenty-one. I’m twenty-four. So not too different. He came to the Complex when he was eleven. Normally, alphas don’t manifest—”
“Until fourteen or fifteen.” I cut him off. I remember it from the textbook.
He nods. “Risk manifested early. He was a handful as a kid, and too young to know what to do with his new alphahood. He’s always been a little strange.”
His words could easily be construed as unkind, but Leon has a glint of pride in his eyes as he speaks that I don’t think he’s aware of. A protective instinct, almost.
“Who else is in your pack?” I ask carefully.
“Our pack leader is Hollis, and then our fourth and final is Joshua.”
“And how old are they?”
“Hollis is twenty-eight. Joshua is also twenty-four. You might meet Hollis on Wednesday. If you go to the mixer.”
I nod slowly. “I’d like that.”
I wonder if he smells as good as Leon and Risk.
“How did you know to come find me?” I ask, realizing suddenly how strange it is that he’s out here at this time of night.
“Ms. O’Brien went to check on you after dinner and you weren’t in your room. I was coming back to look for you, then I scented you and Risk.”