“do it.”
“down, boy”
“hit yourself”
“look at him. Pathetic.”
Pathetic. Me. Yes.
House. Joshua.
Dirt on stairs, ugh, Hollis will be angry.
Joshua’s door, closed, always closed.
I open it.Slam. Ugh. Sorry.
“Risk? OhShit. Sit down. Fuck. Let me get Hollis—”
“Risk, you’re bleeding everywhere.”
“No Hollis. Please.”
Joshua, staggering, standing, so sad, so dark.
He’s gone. I can’t breathe. I gasp, fighting for air that isn’t there.
“Hey, hey, breathe, deep breaths, in, out.”
Joshua in front of me, supplies in hand. Then, frozen.
“What—” his voice chokes off and he’s looking around. Alarmed. Scenting.Where is she?
I wonder the same thing.Where is she?Is she ok? After what I did?
“Sorry,” I gasp, then whine again. I can’t help it, I don’t mean to. I hurt her. I need her.
His eyes are wide. Chest heaving.Need. Like mine. He’s alive. Joshua! Alive! I almost smile. Then the air is gone again and I’m drowning.
“Risk.” Joshua. Sane. Alive. “Come back. Deep breaths. Follow the hand.”
Hand. Moving. Up slowly, down slowly, up slowly, down slowly. Metronome.
I breathe. In and out. In and out.
I come back. My eyes focus. Joshua. Black curls. Red lips. Pale skin. Dark circles.Beautiful.
“Hey.” Joshua kneels in front of me. “You with me?”
I nod.