Page 52 of Cosmic Crush

I laughed, looking down at his clothes. They draped me.

A hot shower and a change sounded nice…

As did getting Raider alone.

“I’ll give him directions back to you when we’re done.”



Safe and Sound


I sat down across from Madam Moonie, feeling a wave of unease. She glared at me, her lips pressed into a thin line.

I cleared my throat. I wasn’t sure exactly what to say.

“I don’t know if this helps anything, but I love her,” I said.

She raised a brow, her nails tapping on her desk. “Hmm.”

“I would do anything for her.”


“I’m not the bad guy that everyone believes I am, although I didn’t help my case much by taking her. But Mari means everything to me now.”

“How are you going to make her happy?” Madam Moonie asked.

The question lingered for a moment. I leaned back in the seat, studying her. How was I going to make Mari happy?

“I’ll do whatever I can to make her the happiest woman in the universe,” I said. “I’m still getting to know her. I’m still learning her likes and dislikes. But, I know in my soul that I belong to her.”

She stared at me for a moment and then finally, her cold expression seemed to break. She snorted and leaned back. “Fine. All I’m going to say is that Mari means a lot to me and to others. And she’s had a hard time. I know that mating bonds act fast. I know you’re still learning about each other. But if you ever hurt my gem or make her cry, I will kill you. Slowly.Painfully.”

“Noted,” I said, wariness settling in. Madam Moonie meant what she said.

“Well, then. Now that we have that cleared up. We’re all going to help clear your name. I can’t stand the thought of you being blamed for all the terrible things Rider claims you have done. We’ll help you.”

I swallowed hard. “I can’t express how much I appreciate your help.”

Madam Moonie nodded and then shrugged. “I watch out for my own. This troupe is all I have. These are my people. And now you’re one of us too.”

I felt a wave of immense gratitude. “Thank you,” I whispered.

“You’re welcome. Now, let me tell you how to get to Mari’s room. And once we figure out all of this chaos, we can talk about other things too.”

“I could work for you,” I said. “I can invent and build things.”

“Noted,” she chuckled, her voice warming. “We do always need help with things like that…. We’ll meet tomorrow morning with Stella and her mates. We’ll come up with a plan.”

“Thank you,” I said standing up.

“Mari’s room is on the right side of the ship, at the very end of the hall. There’s a sparkly “M” on the door.”

I nodded and tipped my hat. “Thank you again, Madam Moonie. I won’t forget this.”