Page 47 of Cosmic Crush

That would be our ticket in.

As we approached, the traffic became more congested. I dodged to the right, taking a small road that would lead me towards the other entrance. The fence line was massive, the metal humming with electricity. We could see what was on the other side, which was helpful.

“Can you see the ship, sugar?”

Mari lifted her head and looked over her shoulder, gazing out at the docks. “Yes,” she said. “I see it. It’s that one.”

I stole a glance. There was a smaller ship that was shaped like a disc. I should have known it was hers, considering the side was painted bright pink. ‘MADAM MOONIE’S GEMS’ gleamed in bright yellow, flashing.

Mari breathed out. “We’re almost there.”

I tried to push away the anticipation. We sped faster, Buck’s motor humming as we went to the back. I slowed as we came to a line of solarcars waiting to go through the back entrance.

Guards were standing there and seemed to be stopping each car.


This was going to be tricky.

“What are we going to do?” Mari whispered.

A honk had the two of us jumping.

I turned, ready to pull my gun. There was a sleek vehicle behind us, one that was clearly high end and expensive.

My hearts pounded. Had my brother found us?

A door opened and a magenta tentacle came out, followed by a face I didn’t recognize.

“Stella,” Mari breathed out. “Let’s go,” she said.

“Mari, this could be a trap—”

She was already sliding out of my lap. I let her go and then parked the bike to the side behind rocks. I rushed back to Mari, lifting her into the back seat of the solarcar and following behind her.

As soon as the door shut, I was met with three things.

One, Mari’s squeals of excitement.

Two, a very angry looking Lazulian.

Three, an even angrier looking Tourmalind.

“You saved us,” Mari said, holding onto a woman that sat next to her.

“We should be turning him in,” the Lazulian grumbled.

“He’s my mate,” Mari said quickly. “And he’s innocent.”

“I fucking knew it,” Stella said triumphantly. “I knew it. I knew it and both of you owe me money now.”

“Raider, this is Stella.”

“Stella,” I said. I held out my hand, taking hers. “Nice to meet you, doll.”

The two aliens across from me growled.

Mari snickered. “Both of you calm down, he’s taken. These are her mates, Zin and Toras. How did you know? Did you hear my radio call?” she asked Stella.