Page 42 of Cosmic Crush

For the first time in my life, I felt cherished.

This entire situation had started off all wrong, but it felt like it could work out. In the quiet moments, my thoughts were on how to clear his name.

What could we do to help him?

I knew that Stella and Madam Moonie would help.

I blinked away sleep and rolled onto my back with a heavy sigh. I pushed away my worried thoughts, thinking about Raider.

I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. I glanced to my left, expecting to see him there, but he wasn’t next to me like he had been earlier.

I frowned.

“Raider?” I called.

No answer. I laid there for a moment, blinking until I was more awake.

“Raider?” I said again.


I sighed and got up, slipping on one of the ponchos I’d officially claimed from him. I was looking forward to eventually getting my own clothes back, but I’d come to enjoy wearing what was his.

I went out into the cavern. Maybe he’d gone to the kitchen or pool. Or maybe he was messing with one of his blueprints…

I was learning a lot about him. Things that gave me absolute joy. Like his love for creating things. Hearing him talk about his ideas for inventions, even for things that were almost silly, made me happy.

The way he felt about making things was how I felt about burlesque. Dancing, being on stage, the music, the freedom—all of it kept me going.


“I’m here, sugar.”

He walked towards me, coming down the hall.

“Sorry,” he sighed. “Didn’t mean to give you a fright.”

I leaned against the stone doorway as he approached. He reached for me, pulling me close to his warm body, pressing his forehead to mine.

There was something off. I could feel it. I frowned, almost scared to ask.

My stomach twisted. I held onto him for a moment longer before making myself ask.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered.

Raider was quiet for a moment. “The storm has cleared.”

I felt nauseous.

I should have been happy, right? That was good news. The storm had passed, which meant I could go back to the real world.

The one where I’d have to face all the problems.

The one that thought the alien I was falling for was an outlaw.

“We need a plan,” I said.

“What happens to me is nothing you should worry about—”