Page 37 of Cosmic Crush

“Please come,” she cried. “Please fill me. Please, sir, please.”

Her whimpers sent me over the edge. I snarled as I gave her one more thrust and then pulled out. I used my sharp claws to cut the rope, setting her free. I rolled her over onto her back and straddled her hips as I came all over her.

I roared, my hearts thundering and blood pumping as I came and came.

She opened her mouth, her eyes shutting as my cum shot over her face. She panted as she got as much as she could on her pink tongue, moaning as she swallowed.

I collapsed forward, catching myself before I fell on her. My face hovered over hers. She reached up, drawing me down into a fervent kiss. I tasted myself, tasted her.

We drew back, both panting. Tears, saliva, and come painted her pretty face. I leaned down, licking it up, tasting the mess that we’d made. It was addicting.

“You’re mine,” I said. “I can’t let you go, Mari. I never want to let you go.”

She nodded, more tears falling. I’d been rough with her, although I could feel how much she’d enjoyed that. My touch turned gentle, soothing. I ran my hands down her body, gently lifting her.

She held onto me as I carried her to the pool. I stepped into the hot water, kissing her again as I submerged us. She wrapped herself around me, whimpering as I touched her.

After how rough I’d been, I needed to worship her. I needed to remind her how cherished she was. I wasn’t sure if she realized just how much she’d changed my life. In the blink of an eye, all I could think and care about was her.

“Thank you,” she whispered as I nuzzled her neck. “That was…I’ve never come that much before. Your venom is magic.”

I love you.The words almost slipped out, but I held them back. I feared it was too soon. Too fast. What if I drove her away? Even if it was the truth…

“You’re perfect, sugar,” I said. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore—but in a good way. Like I’d been fucked harder than ever before but it was the best I’d ever had. And hungry.”

“I’ll cook,” I said. “I’ll make something good.”

“And I’ll…”

“Sit there, look pretty, and let me take care of you.”

She sighed, but smiled. “Fine. Can’t argue with that.”

Good. I leaned back against the rocky side of the pool, holding her there in my lap. Her stomach gave a little grumble.

“I’ll go start cooking,” I said.

She kissed my face and then slid off me, sinking further into the water. “If you insist,” she teased.

“You can stay here if you want,” I said.

“I think I will for a few minutes. This water feels good.”

I nodded and left the pool, preening under her appreciative gaze. She winked at me, smirking as she got comfortable.

The way that made me feel. I fought the urge to chuckle, and then headed to the doorway.

First, I went back to the bedroom and dressed. I chose a clean pair of boots, boots that I could see her licking…and a different set of chaps. I didn’t wear any sort of top as it would just get in the way. Having four arms made it difficult to wear certain clothing.

I went to the kitchen area, already wondering about what I would cook. I needed to cook something that would give us both energy, because I had a feeling that we weren't done for the day.

I fell into a rhythm as I moved around the kitchen. Within a few minutes, I had scrounged up items that would work perfect for a meal.

As I cooked, all I could do was think about her.

There were so many things that I wanted to do with her, but we didn't have much time. I knew that the storm would be clearing up soon enough. And then we would be back to reality.