Page 33 of Cosmic Crush

He scoffed. “I am in my prime! And now that we share a bond, your lifeline will change.”

“Oh.” I frowned, sinking against him. That was something I’d never thought about. “So I’ll live to be…”

“Ancient. A very old human.”

“Oh shush,” I mumbled, swatting his chest.

“I promise I will still fuck you like a good girl, even when we’re old and our bones creak.”

I laughed. I’d never given much thought to what a future with someone could look like. I’d always been focused on burlesque and making money for home.

“Mari,” he chuckled, his voice softening. “I didn't mean to take away from your story. I am sorry that you have suffered. It makes me sad. Is there anything I can do to help? Or would you just like me to listen?”

I smiled, his questions making me feel good. I liked that he asked me that. “I’m okay, Raider. What about you? You and your brother have a rough relationship…”

“We do. My family is very proud and very old. I have twomhahers,and onedhathere.My brother and I are the end of our bloodline. Even then, they’ve never pressured us into partnering with someone. They believe in finding true mates if you can. Mydhathere’sparents were true mates.”

“Is it rare?”

“Yes. That you and I have met is a rarity. A bond like this is sacred. Special. It doesn’t mean you can’t love another. But it is a connection that cannot be undone.”

Silence settled between us, filled with so many unspoken words.

“It’ll work out,” I murmured. “I believe it has to.”

“It will,” he whispered. “I would like you to meet my family one day. They would adore you. You’d be loved immediately. Mymhahersanddhatherewould be so happy for us.”

Tears filled my eyes. I blinked hard, holding them back.

“I love burlesque,” I said. “I couldn’t leave it.”

“I wouldn’t want you to.”

My heart squeezed.

“I could travel wherever you go as long as I had a workshop to tinker in. Mydhatherewanted me to take over the family ranch, but I don’t think that is right for me now. Maybe Rider could… if he would stop trying to ruin me.”

Madam Moonie would love having someone like Raider on ship. “If you can build props, I’m sure Madam Moonie would forgive you for kidnapping me.”

He chuckled. “Was that the person who had the shotgun and growled like a canyon crawler?”

“Yeah. She runs our troupe. She’stheMadam Moonie.”

“She’s ferocious.”

I grinned. She definitely was. I’d seen her deck a nine foot tall alien for telling her to shut up.

“So….” I trailed off. “What are we going to do today?”

“What do you want to do, sugar?”

I slid my hands down his chest, slipping one between us. He let out a low growl, all six eyes blinking repeatedly.

“You will be the end of me,” he mumbled. “You want more?”

I gave his chest a push, shoving him onto his back. “I just want to explore. If that’s okay…”

“Of course it is,” he said.