Page 19 of Cosmic Crush

She reached up and grabbed one of the cans, inspecting it. “Do you haveinspektors?”

Inspektorswere a type of eyewear that allowed beings to read other languages. I had a set, although they’d be too big for her. Still, I turned and reached into one drawer, pulling out the set. It had several glasses, as I had six eyes instead of two. I handed them to her.

She put them on. I fought off a chuckle as she looked over the can. “These are just vegetables, they’re fine. Let me see the others.”

She checked each can. The glasses kept sliding down to the end of her small nose, almost falling off. Finally, she nodded, pulling the glasses off.

“These are all fine. It’s just beans and vegetables. What are you making?”


Her stomach grumbled again.

“It won’t take long, sugar.”


“You get started on the food, and I’ll keep cleaning up. There’s dust over everything, but I guess that makes sense in this cave.”

I nodded, taking all the cans and setting them on the counter. My claws were retractable, and I used one to open up the tops. Within a few minutes, I had everything boiling in a pot; the chili coming together. I went through the pantry for spices, choosing milder ones because I wasn’t sure if she could handle heat.

Many years ago, hell, centuries ago—humans had introduced peppers to our planet. It had come through one of the trades, and now those peppers were something that my people loved.Ghost pepperswere a personal favorite.

I started humming to myself as I cooked; the scents wafting through the room. For a moment, I could imagine that I met mydhaarinunder different circumstances. That I wasn’t supposed to use her to get back at my brother, and that he hadn’t ruined my entire life. That my family didn’t hate me, that they were not disappointed in me. I longed for the days where I could cook for others around the fire, making a chili just like this.

Cooking was how I expressed care. Along with making things with my own hands. I enjoyed inventing things that were helpful, things that would help others live better.

Of course, part of me doubted that anything would ever see the light now. Everything I touched was tarnished. Rider had made sure of that.

“It smells good.”

I damn near jumped out of my shell. I’d almost forgotten Mari was around. She leaned against the counter, watching the stove with wide eyes.

Poor thing is hungry.

“Why did you kidnap me?” she asked bluntly. “You mentioned clearing your name, but you’ve only made things worse by taking a human. Not to mention, my best friend is mated to the Lazulian Prince and a Tourmalind Chancellor. Those guys won’t mess around.”

I stirred the pot, swallowing hard. Would it be bad if I was honest with her? “You saw my brother, right? Rider. He was the one that jumped on stage.”

“Yes. The VIP that had eyes for me.”

I growled involuntarily. The thought of him wanting her now made me feel very sick and angry. “He did some awful things and blamed them on me. I took the fall. He stole everything from me. My house, one of my inventions, my life. I heard from my guard how obsessed he was with the Galactic Gems, particularly you.” I could see why he wanted her. “So I kidnapped you so I could blackmail him into clearing my name. But…”

“But what?”

“You’re my mate. Everything is ruined.” I couldn’t do anything to hurt her now. All I felt was the need to protect. To provide. I wanted to prove to her that I wasn’t bad. That I was worthy of her.

“You keep calling me your mate, but we didn’t create a bond. Stella said she had to bite her mates.”

“That’s not how it works for us,” I grunted. “Your little teeth would shatter on my skin, sugar. When I gave you my stinger, you should have just passed out. Instead, you had another reaction, which is one that only happens with your mate. It created the mated bond between us. So now, we’re mated, my plan is wrecked, we’re trapped in the desert, and all I want to do is fuck you. Apologies for the crude words.”

She studied me thoughtfully. “So… you’re not an outlaw then. You didn’t kill people or hurt anyone. I mean, you kidnapped me, so actually I guess you are now, but…”

I turned and looked at her, giving her my full attention. “I am a good being, Mari. I don’t like hurting others. I’m doing all of this because I want my life back. My family back. I’m sorry you’re caught up in the middle now.”

She pressed her lips together, looking away. I wasn’t sure if she believed me, but at least I’d told her the truth now.

“Go ahead and sit, I’ll make you a bowl.”