A growling noise drew my attention. I raised my head, looking around the cavern, going on high alert.
How in the hell could someone be here? They couldn’t have come through the front entrance without setting off my alarms.
Another strange growling burbling noise.
Still don’t know her name, but isn’t it too late to ask now? Dhagonit.
“Woman,” I snarled, moving across the pool. “Get behind me.”
She startled, her expression pinching into a glower. “What? What are you talking about?”
“There’s something happening. I hear a growl or intruder—”
The urge to protect her was fierce. She squealed as I lifted her out of the water, holding her kicking body against my chest as I looked around us. She planted her heel against my thigh, narrowly missing my cocks.
“Put me down! What are you doing? There’s no one here!”
“Listen,” I snarled, silencing her.
The two of us were breathing hard. She was naked in my arms, her cheeks now even redder than before.
I slowly looked down at her, shocked.
The noise was coming fromher.
“Do you need to relieve yourself?” I asked, confused. “Please don’t do it on me.”
She made a noise that was a snarl and a screech in one. It impressed me. Humans could apparently make all sorts of warning noises. She hit my chest hard and then winced, shaking her hand.
“God damn it! Why is your skin so hard? I’m not going to relieve myself, I’m just hungry!”
The noise came again, more insistent this time.
“So humanscangrowl,” I mused.
“Mystomachis just growling.”
“Is there an animal in your stomach?”
“No, there is not!Does your stomach not make noises when you’re hungry? Put me down!”
“I have three stomachs and not a single one has ever made that noise unless I ate something bad.”
“Well, I’m not you,” she huffed.
The human shoved against me, and I finally let her go. She dropped into the water and went under. She came up sputtering, making a gesture with her fingers.
That sign was pretty universal, no matter what galaxy you were in.
“This is what I mean about humans being fragile—”
She stood up, her breasts sitting right above the water. It streamed down her skin, the steam curling around her. Every single thought simply vanished, my words faltering as she glared at me. Her eyes were dark brown and reminded me of umber stones I’d uncovered in the labyrinths. Her makeup ran down her face, torturing my imagination. All I could think about was her taking my cock and making her mascara run…Stop it.
I couldn’t let myself think that way….right?She’s beautiful.
She turned around and left me, going up the steps, her perfect ass jiggling. I followed her to the edge of the pool. She bent over, picking up the towel I’d laid out for her.