Page 51 of Cosmic Crush

Raider cleared his throat. “I can explain if you'll give me the chance to, Miss.”

I had known her long enough to know that when her cheeks turned red, it wasn't a good sign. Still, she forced a deep breath, and gestured to the two emerald velvet chairs that were across from her desk.

“That you will,” she said. “First, I want to talk to Mari. Alone. And then I will talk to you. Understood?”

Raider let out a soft growl. “I will not leave her side.”

“You don’t have a choice right now.”

“It’s alright, Raider,” I said. I leaned up and gave him a kiss, reassuring him. “She and I need to talk. She’s like family to me.”

“I’ll be right outside,” he grunted.

He went out of the door, shutting it softly behind him. I let out a breath, and then turn to look at my friend and boss. Her harsh expression immediately melted, tears filling her eyes.

“Oh,” I whispered. I rushed around the desk, meeting her in a hug as she stood.

She held me tight, giving me a fierce squeeze.

“Honey,” she sighed. “For a moment I really thought you were dead. That stupid storm rolled in, and I was sure as hell convinced that you were gone.”

“He grabbed me, and then he took me to the canyon mazes. He ended up taking me to a hideout that he has. We realized pretty quickly that we were mates.”

She sighed, wiping her tears. She raised a brow at me.

“Mates, huh? He is a tall drink of water, except for the fact that he literallykidnappedyou off my stage in the middle of a show.”

“You’re the one that had the vision,” I said.

She rolled her eyes. “The damn visions. I don’t know what the universe expects from me. What is going on? Take a seat. I want to hear everything except for the sex details.”

I settled down into the chair across from her desk. I blew out another breath, finally relaxing. I knew that she would give him a hard time, but right now she was my friend.

I told her everything. I did leave out the sexy details as she requested, although I did tell her about a couple other things that had happened. She gasped, laughed, and sighed. Ultimately though, she listened. I could see her brain working, connecting dots as I went on.

“You could definitely do worse,” she said. “And I can see the way that he looks at you.”

“He loves me,” I whispered. “And I think I'm falling in love with him. I already am in love with him. It's only been a few days, but there's so much more that I want to learn about him. But, first we need to clear his name.”

“That’s going to be difficult. His brother is one of the planet’s ambassadors. Basically, he has the same ranking as Zin does in his galaxy. He makes decisions, has connections. And he has blamed a lot of things on his brother.”

“But he didn't do any of those things,” I protested. “He's innocent. He was blamed for the death of someone that he cared about. And his brother took his home, smeared his name, and landed him in jail with nothing. Everything has been taken from him.”

“And you're sure that you trust him? It's not justfatehormones?”

I snorted. “I’m sure. And even if it was…I should trust the universe, right?”

“Perhaps.” She sighed and sank back in her chair. “That means I have to help him. But first I want to talk to him.”

“Go easy on him.”

“I absolutely will not. He has to understand that we will kill him and scatter him in space if he hurts you.”

“He would never hurt me.”

That I knew was true. Raider cared about me. He would do anything to protect me.

“Alright, Mari. Go take a shower and maybe change. Can’t say I’ve ever seen you wear…something so… I don’t even have words.”