Page 22 of Cosmic Crush

Her voice continued to cut in and out, the words indecipherable. The static became worse until it completely cut out, silence following.

I sighed, straightening my back. I had no way of knowing if I’d gotten through.

I was tempted to try again.


I startled, turning to look back outside. The wailing became louder, followed by an odd cry. It sounded like a voice.


Was there someone out there?

I crept to the opening, my heart pounding. “Hello?” I called.

More crying. Panic rolled through me. If someone was stuck out there, they needed help.

“Are you okay? Do you need help?”

The crying continued. It sounded like a small child sobbing.

Instinct kicked in at the thought of someone being helpless. I couldn’t just leave them out there alone.

I stepped through the opening, still sandwiched between the rocks. I gasped as the howling became louder, sand pelting me. I covered my eyes, unprotected from the dust storm raging.

I tugged my shirt up around my mouth, trying to prevent sand from being breathed in.

“I can help you!” I shouted. “Are you okay? Hello?”

Damn it. I can hardly see out here.

Something curled around my ankle. I looked down, seeing a black centipede-like tentacle grab hold of me.

I screamed as it suddenly yanked me. I couldn’t see, the sand blinding me, and opening my mouth only meant it was filled with it too. “No! Fuck! Help!”

I doubted anyone could hear me over the screaming wind. Terror washed over me.


I was towed across the ground. I clawed at the dirt, pain spearing through my ankle as the tentacle kept pulling me.

Fuck. Fuck. I shouldn’t have left the cave.Fear iced my veins. I fought harder, struggling as I cried to grab onto anything. But aside from the rocky ground, there was nothing to hold on to.

It dragged me over sharper rocks until it turned me over onto my back. I could barely see through the sheets of sand swirling through the air, but I could still see the outline of a massive, monstrous figure.

“I’m gonna be eaten,” I whispered, the realization hitting me full force.

That I might die out here in this fucking desert.

That I should have listened to Raider.

The sobbing that had pulled me out of the cave had stopped, replaced by the snarls and growls of whatever being had hold of me.

“Raider!” I shouted as loud as I could, not caring if I inhaled sand. “Raider, please!”

I poured every ounce of my will into my shouts, needing him to hear me. I coughed as sand filled my mouth. I spit it out, screaming again.

He was the only chance I had of getting free.