Would he recognize how much skin he was petting? Would he realize how much her butt, belly, and breasts jiggled when she moved?
She started to feel embarrassed until he said, “Stop thinking so hard. You blew my mind. Let’s just enjoy this.” He nuzzled her neck, the gesture loving, and she settled, letting him pull her in tight.
They lay together, him stroking her back, her touching his chest, his arms, and reveling in the fact she’d just made love with Gerald Winter.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked in a low voice and kissed her temple.
That small act kindled the fire still within her. “That we just were together. You and me. What universe is this?”
He chuckled and pulled her so that she lay on top of him. Every insecurity about her size returned until he smacked the side of her ass.
“What the hell?”
“Stop thinking so hard and ride me. I’m ready for you again.”
“Already?” She stared down at him, aware she’d made a mess all over him and sheets. Or rather, he’d made the mess. “I’m kind of, well, wet.”
“I know.” He sighed, shifted, then slid up inside her. And damned if he hadn’t been lying. He was like a steel pike inside her.
“Oh. I like this.” She listened to her body, leaned up and rode him, enthralled by the heated look in his eyes as he cupped her breasts and whispered naughty things.
Their loving turned rougher and ended with her on her hands and knees while he took her from behind. Forcefully, masterfully.
The way a mate consummated the bond with his new bride.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Gerald left the next day after kissing Laura on the cheek, a note and a pot of coffee a testament that he’d been there. He also retrieved a gift from his car and left it on her front step. A stuffed bear she’d enjoy since it was a mini grizzly.
He smiled, feeling on top of the world as he drove home to hurry and clean up for the day. He hummed a Christmas tune and enjoyed a quick breakfast before heading into work.
Once there, he spotted Julia and moved to thank her for her help when she turned and spotted him. She took two steps then froze.
“Come with me.” She grabbed him by the arm and rushed down the hallway to his office. Then she closed them both inside, grabbed a bottle of spray, and spritzed him with it.
“Hey. What are you doing?”
“You doofus. You mated my best friend already? Did you even ask?”
“What are you talking…about… Shi—oot.” He sniffed his shoulder and, under the hunter’s mist, which camouflaged scent, caught the barest sniff of Laura buried under his skin. His fox rolled in bliss, having finally found his mate.
“I heard that you two had a scent-bond. But really, you’re supposed to be romancing my girl. Not just jumping her! I saw you two at the party, you know.”
“What?” Wait. Had he jumped Laura? They’d gone from hot to heavy in seconds, and to be honest, he didn’t remember more than the need to sink into her and stay. Forever. “Oh wow. I did. I mated her. I didn’t mean to. I don’t think. But Laura’s just so…” He sighed. So perfect. So wonderful. So damn sexy.
“Oy. I knew you’d fall fast. But it took you morons forever to get together.” Julia rubbed her hands together. “Okay, now look. I know my best friend. And she’d going to be thrilled about you two hooking up. You did hook up?” His grin must have convinced her. “Of course you did. You two could barely keep your hands off each other last night. But Laura’s got baggage.”
“I know.”
“I mean real baggage. She never thinks she’s good enough for anyone. And she’d got to compete with her perfect sister all the time. Their mom loves them, but Barbara’s clueless about Laura’s insecurities. She just thinks a bear is a fabulous animal spirit. Period.”
“It is. Laura’s amazing.”
“Oh my gosh, Gerald. Think.” She bopped him in the head.