Page 61 of Winter's Thaw

Chapter Twenty-One

Gerald didn’t know what had happened, but somehow Laura was on top of him, kissing him like she meant it, and he could do nothing but respond.

Damn, but she’d shown up wearing red, which had sent his head spinning. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she smelled amazing, like temptation and warmth and goodness all rolled into one gorgeous woman. Then she’d had to go and hold her own with his family, who could be aggravating on the best of days.

He was only human, well, mostly. But the woman kissing him like a goddess felt like everything he needed. More than food, breath, water, he needed Laura in his life. Which made her touch so dangerous. Normally he ignored his instincts or chalked off his need to being single for so long. Dating sporadically meant he never committed his heart.

But now, holding the perfect woman in his arms as she kissed the breath out of him, he knew he had to have her.

She pulled back to look down into his face, her eyes impossibly dark, her lips sensuous. “I wanted to thank you.”

Before he could ask what for, she was kissing him again. But this time she stood on her knees, straddled on either side of him, and put her hand between them. He froze while she used those clever fingers to unbutton and unzip him with ease.

“Laura?” he rasped then groaned when her hand gripped his erection and squeezed. “Oh, fuck.”

“There’s that naughty mouth I like to hear.” She gave a soft chuckle then returned to kissing him, one hand pumping him in time to his tongue thrusting in and out of her mouth.

The sensation of her lips and fingers, the touch and taste of her burst inside him, until he could do nothing but groan and grunt as he fucked her hand, lost in her velvety caress.

“Yes, give it all to me,” she whispered against his ear and nipped his earlobe. Then she squeezed harder, her hand small but powerful.

He seized and moaned her name, coming so hard. She pumped him until he shivered, overly sensitive, then she wiped her hand on his belly under his shirt, zipped him up, and sat on her knees.

He blinked up into her face, amazed and so content he never wanted to move again.

“That was a thank you for Sunday.” She kissed him, and he kissed her back, still a little loopy but happy to follow wherever she’d lead.

“Sunday, sure. Yes. Okay.” What had happened Sunday?

She smiled, and he couldn’t stop himself from dragging her down for another kiss.

Laura stilled under his hands then soon succumbed with a sigh, letting him lead this time.

Before he could get her under him, she broke the kiss. “I need to go.”

“You do?”

She stood on shaky legs, which gratified him. At least he wasn’t the only one affected.

“Got work early tomorrow.”

“And don’t forget my work party Thursday night.” He sat up, aware he’d made a mess, but it had it been worth it. “How about we do dinner tomorrow and go over what to expect from Thursday?”

She frowned. “Is that necessary?”

“You don’t want to have dinner together?” He refused to allow that to hurt.

She flushed. “It’s not that. I just don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t see why we need to get together. I mean, you’re probably really busy with the holidays, your family, your work.”

“Is it wrong if I want to get to know you better?”

“You do?” She blinked at him. “F-for the fake dating to seem real, right?”

“Well, yes. And we’ve both gotten rather personal with each other.” He smiled at her rosy cheeks. “It’s okay if we become actual friends, you know.”