Page 60 of Winter's Thaw

She laughed. “I doubt it. And if whoever’s stalking me does it with gifts, I’m okay with that.”

“So what are these gifts that have you smiling?” He studied her face, and she couldn’t have said why, but she felt a little hunted.

Her pulse spiked. “Candy, a book, and an ornament. I’m not that hard to please.”

He snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“What does that mean?”

This close, his scent spiked, a hint of pine from his cologne that made her want to breathe him in.

His eyes blazed, the honey-brown like gold. “It means you’re a difficult woman to impress.”

“Me? Difficult?” She laughed. “I’m totally easy.” She flushed when he barked a laugh. “You know what I mean.”

“Do I?” He shifted closer. “You’re the most difficult woman to get to know.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious.”

“When have you ever asked me any questions, Gerald?”

“I do all the time when I see you at work. At the department, I mean. I get one- or two-word answers at best.”


He nodded. “You’re too busy playing save the town to deal with those of us working the legal system. The only reason you talked to me the other day was because the case involved your cousin.”

“That’s not true.” Though it kind of was, but not for the reasons he thought. She never spoke to Gerald because she didn’t know what to say. He was the town’s golden boy. She was just…Laura.

“You bears tend to think you’re better than everyone else too. You just tolerate us lesser predators.”

“Well, that’s true.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Exactly.”

“And on that note, is it true you’ve been getting threatening notes from the raptor clan?”

He groaned. “I can’t say who they’re from, and it’s not a big deal.” He mumbled something.


“I said Ty and his big mouth.”

She smiled. “Yeah, but his mate’s no better. The blabbermouth.”

He shared a grin with her, and she found herself leaning closer. Wanting to pet him, to touch him and hear the sighs of pleasure only she could give him.

He leaned as well, until their breaths mingled. “Laura?”

“I never did properly thank you for the other day.”

“Other day?” His gaze pierced her, staring directly into her eyes as if he could see down into the heart of her.

That spark of connection flared deep within, and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, aware he sat very still. After a moment, he softened and let her take charge.

Before she knew it, she’d caged him under her, kissing him because she could. Because she wanted to. And because she needed him to know that she could give as good as she got.