Page 6 of Winter's Thaw

Had the sheriff received her distress call before those blasted raptors had destroyed her comms and stolen her phone?

And did the cabin have enough provisions to last them? Worst case, they could probably forage in the forest as animals. But she didn’t like Gerald’s fever.

She’d memorized the cabin in an effort to not stare at the fox all night. Since her clan used this cabin often during the year, it usually had clean sheets and supplies. She’d already used some of the stack of wood by the stone fireplace to build a fire. The contraption some wily engineers had built kept them stocked with water at all times. And the boardgames, cards, and books in the wall-to-wall bookcases flanking the fireplace would keep them entertained.

But the cabin had been built for short-term use. The kitchenette was little more than a sink, tiny stove, small counter, and fridge. A wooden table and four chairs sat between it and the rest of the room. A couch, chair, and coffee table occupied the area in front of the fireplace. And in the back of the cabin lay the queen-size bed, which Gerald occupied.

And there I go, staring at Gerald again.

Chapter Six

Laura sighed, acknowledging her weakness.

It was no hardship to stare at the sexy fox. He had thick, sandy-brown hair cut short, a square jaw and slender nose, high cheekbones, and thick lashes. All that put together made him look like a model.

On top of his good looks, he had a body built for sin and a brain like a computer. He never seemed to forget anything, especially any mistakes or faults she’d made.

Bad enough she’d had a mini crush on him for years. But seeing him naked earlier had totally put her off her game. Naked, he made her mouth water. He had V-cut abs, a sculpted chest, and rock-hard biceps.

Laura had always been a sucker for a nice chest.

Then lower, to that long, thick cock she couldn’t forget… She blushed, wishing she hadn’t taken such a prurient interest in the man who regularly made her blood boil.

It didn’t help that in trying to warm him up, he’d woken early and kissed her breasts.

She had to fan herself to combat the heat stealing through her. But she couldn’t stop herself from wondering.

If he was that lethal from a kiss or two, what would making love with him be like?

“And I have no business thinking about that,” she said aloud. There were less annoying men in town for sex, were she to go down that long road. She had more important things pressing, like how to defend them when, not if, the raptors found them.

Laura decided to go scout around and undressed before leaving the cabin. She shut the door behind her, shivering with the cold, and quickly shifted into her bear. Once a grizzly, she put her nose to good use and marked any foreign scents.

The bitter cold felt refreshing, and she enjoyed her time making note of all the vulnerable spots and avenues of attack should their enemy come on foot. Guns would be a real problem.

Of course, if the raptors came by air once the storm cleared, she and Gerald would have no way of knowing. A predicament for sure. But until the storm ended, they would be okay. The predicted weather pattern gave them a solid three to four days, enough to cover Christmas and some change.

She wandered back to the cabin and realized that there was technically only one more day until Christmas.

What a way to spend the holiday.

Her mother would be worried, but her sister had a vacation in Italy with her friends. Laura wished her family a happy holiday. Her friends and family would worry about her, but they’d be smart. No one would be out and about during this storm.

She hoped.

Once back inside and dried and dressed again, she stoked the fire and lit a few candles for light. Then she checked on Gerald.

To her relief, he slowly woke. He felt cooler than before, so perhaps his fever had broken.

“How do you feel?” she asked as he blinked up at her, the gold specks in his eyes bright amidst a sea of warm-honey brown. His pupils reacted well to the dim light. Rest would heal him quickly.

“Better.” He yawned. “Thanks for taking care of things.” He closed his eyes again and drifted back to sleep.

She yawned as well and realized it had to be easily after midnight. But she refused to rest in the off chance the raptors had followed.

Instead, she took the candle near the bed and used it to illuminate the small kitchen. She found cans of food and a few packages of chips and cookies. Someone had been by recently to stock up, she noted with approval, spotting a ton of meat in the freezer behind the cabin, tucked under the porch. In the refrigerator, a block of cheese, a few oranges, and organic creamer—had to be the alpha—were in plentiful supply.

They definitely wouldn’t starve while hiding out.