Page 43 of Winter's Thaw

He added a creepy laugh, because who used the words “dime store” anymore, then waved and let himself inside.

Laura Novak had no idea her life was about to take a hard turn. Dime store villains had nothing on sly foxes.

Nothing whatsoever.

Chapter Ten

Laura woke up the next day feeling chipper and not sure why. Then she recalled the party and Gerald almost falling on the ice and laughed out loud.

Her day got even better after eating some leftover blueberry pancakes and making an easy trek into work. Though the snow continued to fall, it had lightened and the road crews had already been through town.

Unfortunately, the minute she stepped inside the department, all eyes turned to her. Ty walked up to her and started clapping. The other deputies and dispatcher clapped as well, until she was sure her face was as red as her scarf.

“Gerald Winter? You bagged the prettiest fox since I got nabbed. Congrats, Laura.” Ty snickered at the finger she shot him.

“The rest of you idiots, get back to work,” she barked.

The others laughed and continued to tease her throughout the day.

Gerald didn’t try to contact her or swing by, which was for the best, she told herself. Not like she wanted to really be dating the guy. Maybe some sex, sure, but a commitment from Mr. Swinging Single? Yeah, right.

Fortunately, she had the next two days off so she could forget about the mess she’d made in trying to help him out. Freakin’ Julia and her bleeding heart.

Her shift passed slowly, not many shifters making problems, too busy out enjoying the fresh powder on a crisp, cold Saturday.

Her alpha had organized a football tournament, and many in the town had chosen to participate since each team could have no more than two bears on it. Laura would have given it a pass even if she wasn’t working. She’d participated last year and had spent more time breaking up fights than actually playing.

Ty passed by her to grab a coffee. “Surprised we haven’t heard anything from the raptors.” As soon as he said it, the front door blew open and the raptor clan leaders walked in.

She grabbed Ty’s cup and nudged him toward the commotion. “You did this, you big jinx. You have to fix it.”

“Hell.” He met the McKays and ushered them into his office, but not before Roberta McKay shot Laura a lethal glare.

“Bite me, bird,” Laura said under her breath, only to hear Roberta screech, “I heard that!”

Before she could get roped into dealing with more raptor nonsense, a fellow deputy shot her a big grin. “Hey, Laura, your new boyfriend’s here. And he brought flowers.”

Laura blinked in surprise at handsome Gerald Winter standing by her office door, holding a bouquet of white roses.

Her favorites.

She ignored the snickering around her and joined him. “Inside.” She nodded to her office and closed the door behind them after entering. Then she shut the blinds.

“Probably not a great idea,” he said, his voice even. The soul of serenity.

She was surprised to see him in jeans and a parka instead of his typical suit and tie. Unfortunately, the casual attire made that much more attractive.

“Why not a great idea?”

“They’ll think we’re up to no good in here.” He winked.

She blushed, unable to help herself. Unlike the past, when she used to just fantasize about Gerald from afar, now she knew what he tasted like. How he felt beneath her hands.

The need to claim him as her own was shockingly powerful.

And weird. The guy was a fox. She was a bear. Despite knowing each other since elementary school, they’d never spent much time together. Not until they started dealing with criminals together.

They’d never shared a kiss until last night. And that might have been a huge mistake, because the animal spirit inside Laura felt as if she’d finally found her other half. Which made no sense considering she’d known the guy for years. Why now?