Page 4 of Winter's Thaw

A crack across his cheek woke him right on up.

Chapter Four

He blinked down at a half-naked Laura Novak and could do nothing but stare. By the Maker, she had the most beautiful breasts he’d ever seen. Large, round, with light pink nipples beaded like tiny gumdrops. They made him salivate.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she growled, her cheeks bright red.

And there, again, the sudden knowledge that Laura Novak, a girl, now woman, he’d grown up with had turned into a raving beauty. What the hell?

He pulled back and sat on his heels.

A mistake, because he was fully naked and sporting one hell of an erection that bobbled above her soft, milky-white belly.

“Could you please put that thing away?” She groaned and closed her eyes, but not before he caught the scent of her arousal.

What the hell was happening right now?

He scrambled off her—and off a bed—and looked around at the interior of a cabin. Spotting his bag, he dove for it and shoved himself into a pair of sweatpants. Turning, he saw Laura cover up with a very short blanket.

He stared, still out of sorts.

How have I never seen how sexy this woman is? Had to be her hiding behind that bulky sheriff’s button-down and ballcap. Look at all that soft, silky brown hair! And those firm shoulders, that flash of long, thick thigh…

He couldn’t help the arousal tenting his sweats.

“How hard did you hit your head?” she asked, reading his mind.

“I don’t know. Why does my leg hurt too?” He pulled his sweats down, exposing his left flank, and saw a long gouge along his thigh.

Her short curse made him look up, only to see her staring fixedly above his head.

“Blood bother you?”

She snorted. “Your dick bothers me.”

He hurried to pull up his pants. “It’s not my fault. I’m injured. I must have smelled a ready female and responded accordingly.” He gave her a polite smile. “Think nothing of it.”

“You ever take that stick out of your ass?” She rose from the bed, looking flushed, rosy, and plain lovely. Like a woman recently fucked.

This is Laura. Novak. The girl who’s been bossing you around since first grade. Who ratted the cats out for sneaking booze to the eighth-grade dance. Who regularly reads you and your clients the riot act when you insist on seeing to their rights. We butt heads all the time. I’ve never noticed her looking so pretty before. Have I?

His brain had trouble processing what he was seeing. “Did you change your hair or something?”

“What? No.” She scrambled past him and grabbed some clothes from her bag, then skittered to one of two doors in the place and shut herself inside, but not before tripping and losing the blanket, showcasing a perfect ass.

He closed his eyes and moaned. “What is happening here?”

“I’ll tell you what’s happening,” she yelled through the door. She appeared moments later, dressed in jeans and a sweater. And no bra.

She’s not wearing a bra. He felt himself flush. What do I care? They’re just boobs.

“… are you hearing me?” She approached and put a hand on his forehead. “Shoot. You’re heating up.”

All he could tell was that a potential mate stood nearby.

For thirty-two years, Gerald had avoided getting mated or married. And that was two years longer than his clan could stand. They’d been on him to settle down, to use the clan matchmaker to find a nice vixen, mate, and produce a passel of kits.

But Gerald’s friends had all married for love. He saw how happy they were. How could he settle for any less? So he dated and took his time searching. Yet he’d never found anyone who made his heart race or his animal spirit sit up and take notice.