Page 28 of Winter's Thaw

He beamed. “Tomato-tomahto. How about we radio for help now that all the hard work has been done?”

Chapter Twenty-One

Laura snorted, lumbered away, and returned dragging both raptors with her, one unconscious hawk and the other a groaning man.

She left again and came back, dressed and in human form.

“I talked to Ty. They’re already on the way,” Gerald told her.

She walked into his arms and hugged him, earning a hiss of pain.

She spun him like a top, making him dizzy.


“Oh no. You’re hurt!”

“Didn’t you smell the blood earlier?”

“I thought it was theirs.” Her eyes narrowed on Roberta, now human and struggling to stand. “She did this.”

He grabbed her before she could inflict more damage and hugged her tightly. “I know. But now she’s done. They are finished in this town.”

“Good.” Laura turned him back around and drew him close for a kiss. Then she smacked him on the cheek, not hard, but not all that lightly either.

“Ow.” He rubbed his face. “What was that for?”

“Vanessa Baylor? Really?”

He gave her a slow smile. “She’s got nothing on you, Rambo. Besides, all that engagement nonsense revolved around clan matchmaking, which I said I was against. My mother will be okay. Eventually.”

“What? Were you really engaged?” She looked crestfallen.

Her jealousy thrilled him. The woman was so into him. And rightly so.

“Relax. My mother was working a deal with Vanessa’s mother. Mom’s a financial shark always looking to expand. But I had no plans to marry so she could get her merger approved. She’ll get over it. My dad, on the other hand, will be ecstatic that I’m mating with Deputy Law and Order. On his side of the family, we’re all either lawyers or involved with the law in some way.” He winked. “Winter and Sons is more than our firm’s name.”

At the word “sons” she paled and audibly swallowed.

He wondered if it was too soon to tell if they’d made a little Laura yet. Or a little Gerald. He warmed just thinking about it. Laura would make a terrific mother.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We need to get back, put these jackholes behind bars, and finish up our holiday celebrations.” He kissed her. “I think Ty’s having a New Year’s party I’m obliged to attend. Would you be my plus-one?”

“Do I have a choice?” She sighed, sounding put-upon. “I mean, I need to protect my investment. The women in this town need to know you’re off the market. Because you are,” she said in a hard voice.

He smiled. “Good. So are you.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Still so oblivious. Obtuse be thy middle name.”

“Geez, Ger-Bear. Did you swallow a dictionary or what?”

“Ger-Bear?” He frowned. “Didn’t we have this talk about nicknames?”

They continued to bicker until backup arrived.

Gerald’s back stung. He thought he might have had a bruise on his cheek and ribs too.