Page 8 of Winter's Thaw

Now though, it was as if his fox had turned cat and rolled in catnip, so enthralled did he find the grizzly in his bed. No, not his bed. The bed…one that smelled like him and now her.

He ignored his erection, as he’d been doing on and off since he’d woken. He normally controlled his sex drive. Lately though, Laura had him in a mess. Hard and aching with no relief in sight. Gerald didn’t want his hand. He wanted another taste of Laura’s soft mouth, of her distended nipple between his lips.

His cock throbbed, and he swore at the stubborn woman in bed, blaming her for all his ills.

Needing something to do, he organized his clothes, then hers, finding that bra of hers tucked way down in her bag. He shoved it beneath her things at the far bottom. Satisfied he’d at least get a little more eye candy on this unscheduled holiday “vacation,” he fixed them both something to eat. He was starved, and she needed the calories too with all the work she’d done to save his sorry ass.

After fixing them both soup with crackers and cups of tea, he felt much better about life.

Orderly, organized, and with a plan in mind, he woke Laura.

And not the way he wanted, with his mouth, lips, hands…

Chapter Eight

“Wake up, Deputy Do-Right.” Gerald gently tugged Laura’s hair, aware the strands felt like silk. So pretty, like the color of the rich soil underfoot, dense with life. For some reason, she smelled like sunshine, which made no sense. He only knew he continued to breathe her in, as if a necessary element to his existence.

Fanciful thinking because you’re tired and hungry. That’s all.

He cleared his throat when she continued to lay quiet. “Laura, wake up. Come on, sweetheart.” Sweetheart? “Laura Novak, wake the hell up,” he snarled.

She sluggishly came awake, like most bears, slow to startle. “What?”

He bopped her on the nose. “Wakey-wakey, Pooh Bear. It’s time to eat.”

“Huh?” She sat up, looking adorably cuddly.

He wondered how hard she’d hit him if he snuck a hug. “I made soup and tea. We need to get our strength back.”

“What time is it?”

He didn’t have his phone and hadn’t seen any electrical gear in the house. But the wall clock seemed accurate with the snowy daylight. “If that clock on the wall is right, it’s one o’clock.”

“Oh.” She yawned and let out a soft moan, stretching, he noticed from the corner of his eye. “I feel much better.”

“You needed the sleep.” He waited until she joined him at the table before sitting.

She didn’t need an invitation and started eating right away. He did too, and they ate in companionable silence, the canned soup hitting the spot. He munched on crackers while she helped herself to another serving.

She paused before sitting back down.

“What?” he asked after swallowing a mouthful of salty goodness.

She glanced at her soup then his empty bowl.

“Why yes, I will have more,” he said, holding out his bowl.

She put hers down, glared at him, then got him a bowl. Embarrassed because she’d gotten seconds? She was a grizzly, for God’s sake. The woman needed to eat more, not less. But he wondered if she’d gotten teased for her size, and maybe that was why she’d hesitated?

He found no fault whatsoever with her shapely form. The opposite, actually. The woman’s beautiful curves aroused him, and it was all he could do to act normally with her so close.

And without a bra.

Torture for a guy into breasts, but hey, he’d take one for the team and do his best not to focus on her chest.

“You okay?” she asked a few minutes later. “If you get any closer to that soup, you might drown.”

“Ha ha.” He lifted his head and focused on her face. “For your information, I’m trying not to spill. I only have this change of clothes. My others are bloody and bullet-holed.”