Page 76 of Winter's Thaw

She pulled back. “You are?”

“Well, not really.” He liked the way she slumped in relief. “I’m only sorry I didn’t ask you first. But I had no idea we’d bonded. My fox is in love with your bear.”

She blushed. “My bear loves your fox.” She bit her lip. “But this, us, is so sudden.”

“Is it? We’ve known each other forever, Laura. It just took you being a little nicer to show me you’re a softie inside.”

“Wait. What?”

He moved, uncomfortable but needing to tell her the truth. “I always thought you didn’t like me. And you’re the one woman who mattered. You always made me feel off, like I wasn’t good enough.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re the most eligible bachelor in town. The guy with the stiff upper lip who’s too good for anyone not a fox.”

He flushed. “That’s just gossip and fox talk. No one pays attention to them.”

“Well, that’s true.” She gave a small grin. “But Gerald, you’re you and I’m…me.”

“Which is why I love you.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Admit you’re the one leaving me presents.”

“I am.”

“But how? I never smelled you.”

“Hunter’s mist.”

“Oh. Oh.” She huffed. “Ty sprayed me all over with that crap.”

“So you wouldn’t know we’d bonded, I guess. I’m supposed to romance you because you deserve it. But it’s not a chore. I like buying you things, making you happy.”

“Wait. So how did you give me something yesterday when you were laid up in here?”

“Julia.” He owed his assistant—his friend—for her help. “She said she’d cover for me if I messed up. And I might as well confess I’m your Secret Santa.”

“I’m yours.” She grinned. “I made Ty give me your name. I might have had a little crush.”

“Oh?” He tried to sit up again but couldn’t, so Laura helped him. “Laura, tell me the truth.”


“You don’t think I’m weak because I’m smaller than you. As a fox, I mean.”

“No. And you don’t think I’m too much because I’m bigger than you, as a bear?” She blushed. “And a human?”

Gerald had expected her to feel hesitant about that. “Honey, you’re perfect. All of you is perfect. You protected me. I love the woman you are. You have the best body, all curves and heat. I’m attracted to you like crazy.”

She plucked at his blanket, not making eye contact. “My sister’s single again. I know you guys were friends a long time ago. Maybe…”

“Maybe I’ll say hi to her when I pass her on the street. Maybe she’ll be invited to be a bridesmaid at our wedding. Maybe she doesn’t know how lucky she is to have you as a sister.” Ty pressed a kiss to Laura’s hand, pleased when she looked into his eyes. “I’ve always thought you were the prettier Novak twin, to be honest. But don’t tell her I said that.”

“Wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.” She smiled, and tears formed in her eyes.

“Hey, now. Don’t cry. I love you. We’re mated.” He swallowed. “I can’t believe it. I feel like my Christmas came early.”

She hugged him. “Me too.” Then she pulled back. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t still want my Secret Santa present.”

He grinned. “And another” —he paused— “ten tiny gifts until Christmas Eve.”