Page 75 of Winter's Thaw

She shot into the air at the same time Laura shifted into her bear and rushed the woman. A second shot went off, but Laura had knocked Roberta down. She tried to shift into her animal spirit, but Laura kept pressure on the woman’s chest.

She swiped a claw over Roberta’s throat and growled, and Roberta stopped moving.

Movement sounded from behind them, and Laura glanced over to see Gerald standing at her back, protecting her with angry barks and warnings.

“Easy, it’s us,” Ty called out.

She grunted at Gerald to relax, but when she glanced over at him, she found him on the ground, unmoving.

Roberta screeched and tried to slap at Laura.

And all hell broke loose.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Gerald groaned and tried to shift his arm, only to find it in a cast. He lay in a hospital bed, inclined, while on the television a gameshow played.

He turned his head and muffled another groan, not pleased with feeling so weak.

“He’s back.”

That was his mother.

He blinked to see her looking both worried and annoyed. Next to her, his father stood with a relieved smile. His brother was there, Harry too. And then, yes, he felt her before he saw her. Laura stood with a bouquet of flowers.

For him?

She looked to be in one piece, not a scratch on her, and she wore her uniform.

“How long was I out?” he asked.

“A day,” his mother answered.

“Weakling,” Braden said with a snicker that had Laura smiling. “Your girlfriend brought you flowers.”

“My mate,” he said at the same time as Laura.

They stared at each other, and he was nonplussed to note she looked surprised to admit it. She took a sniff in the air, and her eyes widened. “We scent-bonded.”

“Time for us to go,” his father said and gathered everyone out of the room.

“Um, hi. Are you okay?” Gerald tried to sit up. But his side still hurt, and his arm wasn’t okay. At all.

“I’m fine.” She sounded angry.

“She had a gun on you,” he said, angry as well. Fucking Roberta McKay.

Laura scowled. “She had a gun on you! That woman is lucky Ty stopped me from biting through her scrawny neck. She’s in jail. Her husband and the others who attacked are also in jail. Leadership has been temporarily assigned to another pair of elected raptors.”


“Gerald… I have so many questions.”

“Me too.” He motioned her closer with his good arm. “But first, come here.”

She darted to his side and gently took him in a hug. “We mated, didn’t we?”

He took a hard whiff of his precious Laura, not sure how he would have reacted if anything had happened to her. “We did. I’m sorry.”