Page 72 of Winter's Thaw

“We’ve got problems at Red Mill. Raptors and Wolves engaging. Everyone on it who’s available, over.”

“I’ll be there. Out.” Damn. She gunned it out of her driveway and toward the southeast edge of town, where the old lumber mill had been turned into a shopping strip full of cute shops and eateries. Called the Red Mill, it catered to families in particular and had an amphitheater where musical acts would play for free on Sundays during the autumn and spring months.

She called Gerald through her vehicle’s Bluetooth.


“Hey, Gerald.” She blushed, feeling head over heels like a girl with a crush just saying his name.

“Hey, Laura.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “You in the mood for Chinese food tonight?”

“Actually, I’ll be a little late. Problems at the Red Mill, apparently.”

“Let me guess. The raptors are involved.”

“Yeah.” She sighed. “Save me an egg roll.”

“Sweetheart, I’ll save you two.” He chuckled. “I’ll wait on you to eat. Hurry up.” He paused. “I miss you.”

Her heart thundered. “I, um, I miss you too.”

“There. That wasn’t so hard to admit, was it?”

“Oh, screw off.”

He laughed. “Be careful. I’ll be waiting.” He disconnected.

On her way, Laura thought hard about the fact she’d fallen in love with the town’s most eligible bachelor within what felt like all of a handful of days. But she knew it, felt it deep inside, that Gerald belonged with her. Being with him was so easy. She never felt as if she had to be less to be accepted.

Yet she’d been aware of the odd looks from those in town. The catty comments from people like Vanessa Baylor that would circulate. How could a woman like Laura go so far out of her league to nab a man like Gerald?

She hated that she sometimes let those doubts in, especially because Gerald continued to be so loving with her, so passionate and fierce. He acted as if he accepted her for herself.

What more could she want from a man?

Now how to get him to admit he felt the same way about her?

Thoughts plagued her as she made her way to the skirmish, only to find Ty, a few other deputies, and a dozen wolves looking confused.

“What’s up, Ty?” she asked after getting out to join him.

“I have no idea. The raptors were fighting with these wolves, jumped them without provocation, then just took off.”

She looked at a few wolves busy brushing snow from their clothes, not looking any the worse for wear. “You lot pressing charges?”

One of the large men shook his head. “For what? That wasn’t a fight.”

The others with him laughed and grumbled.

“Besides, we’re under orders not to get arrested for anything. None of us saw a damn thing, Sheriff,” the big guy said to Ty.

Ty shrugged. “Fine by me.”

Expecting a huge battle and not finding one, Laura felt a little let down.

“Where are you off to?” Ty asked. “Want to come over for dinner?”

She tried not to blush. “I’m going to Gerald’s.”