Page 55 of Winter's Thaw

“Unlike Gerald,” Hailey pointed out. “Who is a staple in the community and head of the best law firm in town. Everyone knows he’s got character and backbone.”

“Especially now, going up against the raptors.” Julia frowned. “I think there’ll be trouble. So does Ty.”

“I agree.” Laura hoped the trouble didn’t move in Gerald’s direction. “I’ll keep an extra eye out.”

“From Gerald’s place?” Hailey smiled wide. “I bet it would be smart for you to give him some extra, personal protection.”

“Would you stop?”

Her sister laughed like a loon before standing to leave. “I’ve learned what I came to find out. You’re hooked on a fox. Dang it. Now you’re the more interesting twin. I can’t wait to see what Mom thinks.”

“She won’t care.” Barbara Novak didn’t do drama. Level-headed and kind, she only wanted the best for her girls. Even better, she’d never made Laura and Hailey compete for her love. She wanted the best for her family, and now busy with her own dating life, she didn’t look too hard at her children.

But Laura had a feeling her mom didn’t know about Eric.

“She will care.” Hailey added, “And she already knows about Eric, so don’t even think of using my breakup as a distraction.”


“She didn’t like us as a couple anyway. But she’ll just love you with Mr. Sexy.”

“Will you stop?”

Hailey tittered as she gave Laura a hug. “I’ll see myself out. I actually have a meeting in Whitefish today. Just thought I’d stop by to give you a hassle.”

“Drive safe.”

“I will. Now go protect your man.”

She watched Hailey leave then turned to see Julia right behind her.

Julia pointed down. “What’s that?”

Laura turned to see a small bag on the step, away from the door. “When did this get here?”

“I saw it on my way in, actually, but forgot about it with your sister here.”

Laura grabbed it and looked inside. She found a book she’d had her eye on for the last few months, a new suspense novel she’d been planning to pick up from the bookstore but kept forgetting.

“What is it?” Julia asked as they went back in the house, shutting out the cold.

“A book I’ve been meaning to buy,” Laura said, mystified. “I found a box at my door yesterday. It was wrapped and had a small sugar bear from the sweet shop on Main.”

Julia’s eye brightened. “Who’s it from?”

“I have no idea.”

“Oh wow! You have a secret admirer!”

“Or a stalker.”

“Such a positive person, aren’t you?” Julia snorted. “Let me see this sugar bear.”

After examining it, Julia agreed. “I think it’s fine to eat. I can’t smell anything that would turn your mouth a different color or make you sick. And it doesn’t look tampered with, still in its packaging.”

“I’m going to go to the sweet shop later and try to find out who they sold it to.”

“You will not.” Julia growled, no doubt meaning to sound terrifying but coming across as cute. “You have a secret admirer. Someone who likes you. Let it be.”