Page 49 of Winter's Thaw

“I can’t look away. This is all incredible, Gerald. I think my stomach just fell in love.”

He smiled, pleased by her reaction. “Oh, and I almost forgot. I made champagne punch as well.” He left the table and returned with two glasses of red punch.

“Do you always eat like this?” He looks like that, cooks like this, and is still single?

“It’s a hobby. More a passion, I guess.” His gaze locked onto hers and seemed to warm. “Please, help yourself.”

She took a little bit of everything, refusing to feel self-conscious that the “big girl” was eating a lot. It made her feel better to see him take the same if not more than she did.

Most of the time, she didn’t mind her size, except for the fact it seemed to put off most men. That in mind, being around Mr. Perfect was giving her some well-deserved insecurity.

He took a bite of the frittata and sighed. “It could use a touch more garlic.”

She took a bite and after swallowing said, “You’re nuts. This is amazing.”

He laughed, and they ate in companionable silence while Laura did her best not to have a food-gasm at the table. Had she ever had anything tastier?

Once they’d both cleaned their plates, they looked at each other.

Gerald shrugged. “Screw it. I want more. I don’t care if I look like a glutton.”

She grinned. “Me either. Spin that wheel. I need more of that truffled toast.”

“Great minds think alike.”

Chapter Fourteen

Gerald loved the fact that Laura had almost eaten as much as he did. Most of his dates went on and on about keeping their figures and grazed on tiny salads while the predators inside them hungered for a real meal. But he liked good food and had always had a healthy appetite.

He knew Laura had gotten teased about her size over the years. He found absolutely nothing wrong with her, but kids could be cruel. In high school, she’d faced taunts about being the big Novak, unlike her “prettier, skinnier sister.”

Personally, he’d always thought Laura the better looking of the two, though the twins did resemble each other. But no matter how much her sister or friends stuck up for her and she pretended it didn’t bother her, he had a feeling it did.

Especially because she’d gone full bear on her tormenters in high school. Needless to say, she kicked major tail, and she was never bothered again.

At least, not directly.

People like Vanessa still liked to try to make Laura feel small. And that would never sit right with him. No, Laura didn’t need or want him to fight her battles, but he couldn’t overhear an insult to her and let it go.

“Um, Gerald?”

He turned to see her bringing more plates to the sink counter.

“Stop that. You’re a guest.”

“I’m your future mate, remember?”

He grimaced, telling himself not to feel so enamored with the idea. “I just ate, Laura.”

She snickered. “Funny. Look, I’m about to burst. Would you mind if I shifted and went for a stroll outside?”

“Sure.” He paused. “Can I join you?”

She nodded and walked out to his mudroom. He gave her some time to prepare. Though most Ac-taw didn’t mind nudity, some did. Plus, he didn’t need to see her naked right now, not when he was starting to feel a lot more for the woman than lust.

He knocked before joining her and saw the room empty save for her folded clothes on the wooden bench. It might not be the best idea to illustrate the disparity in their sizes as animals, but he wanted her to see his sleek fox. Needed to know if she’d care about him being so much smaller.

He disrobed, placing his clothing neatly next to hers, liking the look of their things together. With a shake, he shifted, flowing into the animal buried deep inside him. Then he hit the door release button on the floor and let himself out.