Page 45 of Winter's Thaw

The Chastell brothers just smiled.

Ty suddenly appeared from around the corner.

“Oh good. The sheriff.”

Ty smirked. “I wish I could help you, but I could never go up against my alpha.” Who happened to be Burke.

“That’s bull.”

“Well, yeah, but I’m trying not to hurt your pride.” Ty pushed his ballcap back, his uniform similar to Laura’s, though he didn’t look nearly as fine in it. Though officially part of Burke’s clan, as sheriff, Ty kept himself apart from clan politics, serving the greater public.

Gerald made a production out of straightening his shirt and pulling his jacket together. “All right. What do you cretins want?”

“Really, Gerald? Laura Novak?” Burke’s eyes twinkled, the giant cat inside him no doubt laughing with pleasure.

“What’s wrong with Laura?” Ty asked, sounding defensive.

Good. Someone else besides Gerald to stick up for her.

“Nothing at all,” Grady answered. “I just don’t think Gerald can handle her.”

“What does that mean?” Gerald asked.

This time all three of his so-called friends gave him a pitiful look.

Burke answered, “Well, son, it means Laura’s a bear who doesn’t take shit from anyone. You tend to act all high and mighty around other species. She’s going to tear you up and spit you out.”

“Ha. That woman will be putty in my hands before you can say Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” Ty deadpanned.

“I meant before Christmas,” Gerald snapped. “And no, Grady, I’m not betting on it.”

Grady’s mouth snapped closed. He looked like a younger version of Burke, just as smug and tricky as any mountain lion in town.

“I respect Laura. I would never bet on the fact that I can make her fall in love with me.” Gerald sniffed. “It’s a sucker’s bet anyway. No one can resist me.”

Ty guffawed.

Gerald smirked. “Think what you like, but I was careful to guide Julia your way so I wouldn’t end up breaking her heart. She’s too good an assistant to lose to love.”

Ty’s smile left him, causing the Chastells to laugh.

“We’re just kidding you, Gerald.” Burke slapped him on the back, and Gerald had to work not to flinch. He loved Burke, but the guy was too big for his own good.

He wondered if Laura preferred a giant with muscles as opposed to his more streamlined build and annoyed himself for giving thought to such nonsense.

Of course she’d prefer him. He had brains, looks, and a hell of a great body. The whole package, actually. Why should she prefer a grungy feline?

“Uh-oh. He’s frowning,” Ty said.

“That’s his way of showing he thinks we might be right,” Grady drawled. “But I’m no fancy talking fox. What do I know?”

“Not much,” Gerald and Burke said at the same time.

“Not funny.” Grady frowned. “Coal for both of you at Christmas.”

“Speaking of presents.” Ty turned to face both cats and warned, “You two had better get decent gifts for Secret Santa. No squeaky toys for any wolves or foxes. And no birdseed or cages if your person happens to be a raptor. They’re causing me enough trouble as it is. I don’t want to drag the cats into their squabbles.”