Page 37 of Winter's Thaw

He wanted to roll around in her scent like a cat covering himself in catnip.

And wouldn’t she just love to use that against him?

Chapter Six

A glance out of the corner of Gerald’s eye showed him how nicely he and Laura would fit. She stood a few inches shorter, but at the perfect height to accept a kiss without it being uncomfortable. This close, he couldn’t help noticing her gorgeous breasts lovingly encased in bright red fabric.

She happened to glance up, caught him looking, and blinked in confusion.

Vanessa, on the other hand, scowled at them. “I hadn’t realized you were into casual hookups.”

She seemed to be talking to him, so he answered, confused. “What’s that?”

Vanessa looked Laura over from top to bottom. “She’s not your type.”

Laura started. “Not his what?”

“Why would you say that?” Gerald wanted to know.

“She’s a little too…much for you, isn’t she?”

Laura flashed her teeth in a smile that made even Gerald want to take a step back. “What the hell does that mean?”

He had a feeling Vanessa wasn’t insulting him so much as she meant for Laura to feel badly about herself. And that he wasn’t having.

At all.

“It means Vanessa’s calling us out.” He wrapped an arm around Laura’s shoulders, praying she’d go along. “I guess we can quit hiding the fact we’re dating.”

Vanessa gaped.

Laura turned to him, and he ran a finger over her cheek, subtly closing her mouth. “That color is stunning on you, honey. You know I love you in red.” She looked nonplused, so he added, “Or nothing at all.” He winked at her then looked back at Vanessa. “We were going to break the news to my family together. It’s time I started dating again.”

Seeing the chagrin on Vanessa’s face was worth the small white lie.

He hugged Laura to his side. “Right, Laura? We’ll tell them after the party. I mean, obviously Vanessa can see how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you.” He laughed. “Won’t be long until everyone knows.”

“Oh, ah, well.” Laura coughed. “Sure, sure.”

The scent of her deepened, going straight to his head…and other places.

“Everyone knows what, exactly?” Vanessa asked, a bite in her words. “Spit it out, Gerald.”

Her gaze seemed glued to his arm around Laura. “Because no way in hell do I believe you two could be compatible. You’re hot. She’s…not.”

Laura’s arm clenched around his waist. “Gerald and I have an understanding.” She smiled up at him as if in love. “He’s not one for gossip, and you know how you foxes get. But since you have to know, I set him on fire. Between the sheets. Yep. We’re knocking boots daily. And he likes a woman who won’t break beneath him.” She gave Vanessa a slow onceover. “Someone with a little more stamina.”

Realizing he might have made a mistake with his tiny lie, Gerald tried to intercede. He sure the hell didn’t like anyone belittling Laura, but he had to keep the peace with Vanessa. “What she means is—”

“Oh, I know what she means.” Vanessa forced a smile.

Laura nodded, her gaze innocent—but they all knew better. “Exactly. A man this fine should wear a sign so greedy, desperate women know he’s taken.” She shocked him by running a hand over his ass. “So do run off and let everyone know.”

Panicked, because he would never hear the end of it when his mother heard what had happened, Gerald tried once more to ease tensions and not think about how much he liked Lauran’s hand on his ass. “I think we should all just—”

“We’re thinking about mating, you know,” Laura added.

Gerald blinked. That was so not what he’d been expecting. A declaration of courtship would set the entire clan on its ear, but mating? She might as well have painted a target on his chest.