Page 35 of Winter's Thaw

Laura agreed. The wolf alpha was a sexy, snarly mess, but there was no denying his beauty. “Then the eagles came in demanding reparations for some aviary the raptors destroyed. It’s still being debated by the council, but the raptors decided they wanted the spot, so by that logic it’s theirs for the taking.”

“Had to be a McKay involved.”


Julia handed Laura a cider, which she passed off to someone asking for a cup. Requests for the drink distracted them, and she and Julia worked well together before the crowd begging for cider thinned.

Julia returned to gossiping about the troublesome raptor leadership.

“Are any of them coming tonight?” Laura asked.

“Leo and his wife are already here.” Julia made a face. “Ty has to act friendly to everyone, so it’s not just friends and family tonight. Instead, he’s putting on a party from the Sheriff, capital S. We’ll have another more intimate gathering closer to Christmas. And you’d better be there,” she added before Laura could try to come up with an excuse not to come.

“Fine. Whatever.” She blew out a breath and took a sip from her mug, the hot drink perfect with the hint of cinnamon and that other secret ingredient Julia swore by but would never reveal.

More foxes mingled, raptors and bears and a few wolves moving around. She knew cats Rachel and Burke had to be nearby since their children had nearly knocked Julia into the stove. Cute kids. Adorable, actually, and they made Laura’s heart ache for fear of never having her own.

She sighed.

“What’s that for?”

Laura didn’t answer.

Julia’s eyes narrowed. “You’re lonely. You get this way every year.”

“You mean every holiday,” Laura grumbled, unfortunately used to discussing her singledom with her best friend. “I don’t think I’m going to find anyone here in Cougar Falls, Julia. I’ll be thirty-two in a few months. I’m not even dating.”

“When was your last date, anyway?”

Laura felt her cheeks heat. “Um, I think last year. Maybe.” More like a year and a half ago.

“With who?”

“I can’t remember.”

“It was that bear visiting from Alaska.”

Laura shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Ew. He was handsome but such a jackass.”

That had Laura smiling. “Yeah, he was.” But he’d been good in bed. If he’d just kept his mouth shut about loving those “big girls” and making her feel like she owed him for sleeping with him, she might have kept him around a little longer. “It didn’t work out, needless to say.”

Julia snorted. “No kidding.” She nudged Laura with her shoulder. “I know how you feel,” she said in a lower voice. “It took me forever to find Ty. I was in love with him for a long time but he never acted like he cared. It took trouble to get that sorry man to fix what he almost broke. My heart!”

“So dramatic.” Ty wrapped his arms around his wife’s middle from behind. He smiled as he kissed her cheek. “She’s telling nothing but lies, Laura. She—” A crash from somewhere in the living room, followed by loud voices, interrupted.

“Oh hell. I’m on it.” Ty darted away.

Laura moved to follow, but Julia stopped her. “Wait. Oh boy. I had a feeling this was coming.”

“What? Where?” Laura tried to follow any signs of trouble in the crowd, but Ty seemed to have the situation handled, as she heard laughter coming from his direction.

“There.” Julia nodded toward a voluptuous blond cornering Gerald in the hallway. “I’m supposed to be his protection from that harpy, but I can’t leave the stove. Go run interference for me.”


Julia shoved her toward the pair, and Laura was surprised to see the usually stalwart lawyer looking uncomfortable.