Page 25 of Winter's Thaw

Laura stared in shock. “You do?”

He scowled. “Of course I do. Why shouldn’t I?” When she didn’t say it back, he glared. “Oh, what’s that? Well, certainly I know you love me. You don’t need to say it.”

Her cheeks turned pinker and she muttered, “I don’t know how I feel. This—us—was awful fast.”

“Sometimes it’s like that, you know.” Hell, mating happened differently for everyone. Sometimes it took years—like them. Other times people fell at first sight. “And what exactly is ‘us’ anyway? You didn’t seem to want to talk about it last night.”

She tugged him by the hand and continued walking. “We can talk later. We need to get to the station first.”

“I’m surprised that you’re avoiding the truth. That isn’t like you.”

She stopped and pulled her hand away. “What truth is that, Ger-A-Licious?”

Mimicking her stance, he said, “That we’re mated, Pooh-Bear.”

“Gee, thanks, sweetheart.”

“Anything for your, honeybunches.”

“Well, sugar-tits, that’s great to know.”

He paused. “Sugar-tits?”

She tried not to laugh. “Sorry. It just popped out.”

He tried to hold onto his mad, but he couldn’t and started laughing.

She laughed with him, then yanked him close and kissed him senseless. “Look, buddy, I know we mated. I know you know we mated. I’m not sure how it happened, but you’re mine. My bear already claimed you,” all came out in a rush. “I just… I need a little more time to process, okay?” she all but snarled.

Enrapt in the woman he loved like crazy, he just nodded and let her tug him after her.

They made decent time, finding the relay station packed with snow. A bit larger than the cabin, the relay provided cell service for the town and was often used by the town’s forest service. They’d definitely have radios inside.

Which made him wonder if his family had been freaking out that their son had missed his first Christmas holiday with them in thirty-two years. Something he hadn’t even considered, so lost in Laura.

“I hope my parents aren’t pestering Ty about my absence.”

She nodded. “I bet my mom freaked out. As calm as she usually is, she’s big on holidays. And I never miss.”

Before he could respond, the door to the station opened and Roberta McKay held a gun aimed at them both. “Get your asses inside. We have some things to discuss.”

Laura swore at herself for not having prepared for the raptors to anticipate their destination or beat them there. Then she realized how silly she’d been.

They must have found sanctuary in the station days ago, because the place looked lived in.

Besides Roberta, her mate and four other raptors looked angry. Six of them and four guns versus her and Gerald.

The need to protect surged, but she kept herself calm, waiting for the perfect moment to go for Roberta’s throat. Because if this bitch thinks she’s taking my mate when I finally found him, she is out of her fucking mind.

She growled, and Gerald caught her by the arm and pulled her closer.

Glen smirked. “Look, honey. Gerald’s been slumming.” He sniffed. and his eyes widened. “Holy shit. You two mated? Really? You two?” He laughed as if he’d never heard anything funnier. His four cohorts joined in.

Roberta smirked. “I can’t believe you found someone to tolerate your fat ass.”

Gerald shook his head. “Seriously? My ass is smaller than yours. Calling it fat insults us both, don’t you think?”

Laura tried not to grin at that, not wanting to stoke Roberta’s anger. But the nasty woman deserved every bit of ire thrown her way.